
image001Fenugreek is a Mediterranean herb that is often used as a seasoning in cooking. Many Asian and European countries also use it for medicinal purposes. The seeds of this herb contain many useful nutrients including; plant based estrogens, vitamin C, protein and other steroids.


Benefits and Uses of Fenugreek

Fenugreek has been found to have many health benefits including; skin conditions, reproductive health, asthma, diabetes, cholesterol regulation, sore throats plus many more. Its uses include:

Used For



Studies show that Just 2 ounces about 56g of fenugreek a day sprinkled on food or capsules swallowed with water can help reduce cholesterol levels 14% and hard attack risks over 25% after 24 weeks. You can sprinkle fenugreek seeds on prepared food or consume fenugreek capsule with water.

Blood Sugar

500 mg of fenugreek twice daily can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in those with Type 2 Diabetes.

Skin Inflammation

Fenugreek can reduce skin inflammation for conditions such as boils abscesses, eczema and gout. Take a spoonful of fenugreek seeds and grind into a powder. Add warm water and soak a clean cloth with the mixture. Place on affected area.


The mucilage in fenugreek can help soothe stomach inflammation and coat the stomach lining. Take one teaspoon of fenugreek sprinkled on your food. You can also swallow a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds before the meal.


Two teaspoons of fenugreek taken with tea like green tea, lemon juice and honey can help relieve fever, as the mixture can nourish your body when you are sick. You can also replace the green tea with fenugreek tea brought from health food stores.

Breast Enlargement

Consuming up to 3 grams of fenugreek a day can help to balance female hormones and enlarge breast tissue.


After consulting a doctor, fenugreek may often be used to increase uterine contractions and naturally induce labor.

Milk Production

Research has shown that milk production will increase by more than 500% within 24 to 72 hours after you take fenugreek. When breastfeeding, taking 500mg of fenugreek up to 3 times a day to help stimulate milk production.

Weight Loss

Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Take in the morning to increase the body’s fat burning capabilities. The fiber in fenugreek can help you feel fuller and reduce overeating. To help with this, take fenugreek both in the morning and 30 minutes prior to dinner.

Healthy Hair

Fenugreek can stimulate healthy hair growth. When mixed with coconut oil, fenugreek can help hair appear lustrous and decrease hair loss. Fenugreek seeds contain protein and nicotinic acid that reduce thinning and baldness. Use a paste of fenugreek leaves to condition hair and even reduce dandruff.

Side Effects and Cautions of Fenugreek

  1. Common Side-Effects include skin rashes when used topically, diarrhea, stomach upset, bloating, gas, nasal congestion, allergic reactions, low blood sugar and a “maple syrup” odor in the urine.
  2. Precautions in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding include early contractions and labor. Use prior to delivery can cause the infant to smell like “maple syrup”. Not enough is known about fenugreek safety for use in breastfeeding, so use with caution.
  3. Cautions for Use in Children include possible loss of consciousness and “maple syrup” odor after drinking fenugreek tea.
  4. Cautions for Use in Diabetics include an increased risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). It is important to check blood sugar often when fenugreek is used.
  5. Drug Interactions. Fenugreek may interact with several drugs include diabetic medications used to lower blood sugar, blood thinning drugs, anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen type).
  6. Dosage. It is important to consult a medical doctor or qualified practioners on dosing of fenugreek. Different health conditions require different doses and depend on the condition and the health of the patient. Never use fenugreek while pregnant or breastfeeding without consulting a physician.

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