Home Remedies for Gas and Bloating

image001Bloating is referred to as the buildup of gas in the stomach and when this gas doesn’t pass, bloating can result into flatulence and frequent belching. A good way to relieve bloating is to encourage passing gas and bowel movement. While bloating can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, it is a natural occurrence. This is usually as a result of improper digestion or swallowed air. What is not normal is having a bloated and gaseous stomach frequently. When bloating and gas begin to interfere with your everyday activities, you need to identify remedies that will help.

Home Remedies for Gas and Bloating

There are various home remedies that you can use to cure gas and bloating. These are:

1. Peppermint Tea


Peppermint has natural soothing properties and can help ease stomach pains brought about by gas. The essential oils found in peppermint tea are rich in menthol which is known to soothe the nerves and consequently relieve stress and pain along the digestive tract.



This seems like a pretty straightforward remedy. However, you need to get it right in order to get the best out of the peppermint. Ensure that the tea’s wonderful properties are well infused into the water and this involves letting the tea bag rest in the water for 10 to 15 minutes. It also helps to squeeze out the tea bag to get a higher concentration of the tea.

It is recommended that you drink one cup of peppermint tea after you have had your dinner.

2. Gingerroot Tea


Ginger is a well-known remedy when it comes to stomach flu’s and indigestion. Ginger has wonderful chemicals namely shogaols and gingerols which help to reduce any inflammation within the intestines and can relax the intestinal muscles as well. The root not only helps in prevention of gas formation but can also encourage the expelling.



Various techniques can be used to make ginger root tea and this is usually a matter of preference. You need to properly clean the ginger root with warm water before slicing it into thin slices. Place the slices in your tea cup and add some honey or lemon as desired before pouring the boiling water into the cup. Cover the tea and let it steep for about 10 minutes before you can drink the tea.

If you want to get the raw, natural wholesome goodness of ginger root, you might want to consider eating it raw. You can grate the ginger root and sprinkle it on your meals or snack on it throughout the day.

3. Chamomile Tea


Chamomile tea is yet another tea that could help you get relief from bloating. Chamomile is one of those herbs that are useful in treating many ailments. The tea has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties which can help soothe the stomach. The tea is not only helpful with gas but heartburns as well.



Bring a cup of water to a boil and pour it into the cup containing the chamomile tea bag. Let the tea bag soak for 10 to 15 minutes before you can drink the tea. Make sure that you squeeze out the tea bag and add some lemon juice or honey as desired. Milk should be avoided.

4. Warm Lemon Water


Lemon water is good for many reasons. Lemon is rich in acids and produce hydrochloric acid (HCL) which helps in aiding digestion. The more lemon water you drink the better for you since food will be broken down much better within your intestines. This means that you will not suffer from frequent bloating. Lemon water is also a detox solution and can help your liver work better as it breaks down enzymes.



Slice the lemon into three slices and squeeze it into a cup or glass of warm water. You don’t need to use the entire lemon and this will largely depend on your personal preference or the size of the lemon. As long as the water appears cloudy, you have a useful amount of lemon. You can also substitute the fresh lemon with some lemon juice.

5. Pumpkin


As mentioned earlier, bloating and gas could be as a result of improper digestion. Foods rich in fiber such as beans tend to bring about flatulence since they are difficult to digest. Pumpkin can save the day because it aids in digestion. Adding a little pumpkin into your meals can help create a smooth digestive flow and reduce the gas.

A cup of pumpkin should be enough and you can steam it, bake, broil or include it into your recipes. To steer clear of gas, you need to incorporate an equivalent of one cup of pumpkin into your meals. This helps especially when eating high fiber foods. You can also eat the pumpkin directly.

6. Caraway Seeds


Caraway seeds have a long history of aiding digestion and their usefulness dates back to the Middle Ages where they were reportedly used in England to help relieve stomach bloating. If you suffer from frequent bloating sessions, you might want to consider chewing on some caraway seeds.

There are no special instructions or preparation technique since all you need to do is chew on a pinch of the caraway seeds. If the taste is too strong for you, caraway crackers could work just fine. It’s recommended that you use this remedy every morning as necessary.

7. Anise Seed


Anise seeds contain anti-spasmodic properties which can help relieve the stress in your intestines. The stomach doesn’t react well with stress and relaxing can reduce cramping. When it comes to bloating, anise can help expel gas build up and reduce the bloating. Anise seed has been effective in relieving colic when immersed in water and you can always ask your doctor to give you suggestions on how to use anise in relieving bloating and gas.

Like caraway seed, there is no specific instruction of anise seeds. You can eat anise seeds directly or add it to your recipes.

8. Fermented Food


In order to have healthy digestion, you need to have good bacteria present in your digestive tract. Fermented foods such as yogurt can help introduce these essential bacteria into your stomach for digestion. Cultured dairy products like yogurt and kefir are rich in probiotics and you can also try eating fermented vegetables.

9. Activated Charcoal


Just like charcoal, activated charcoal has porous properties. This means that it has holes which allow the passing of air and water. These spaces come in handy to trap chemicals and can therefore trap the excess gas that is produced by stomach bacteria within the intestines.

Activated charcoal is available in tablet, capsule and powder form. It’s recommended that you seek medical advice to understand the effectiveness of this remedy with your condition. Ensure that read the recommended dosage that is placed at the back of the bottle.

10. Digestive Enzymes


Lastly, you can try using digestive enzyme supplements to boost digestion. These supplements can help you break down components that are difficult to digest such as fats, and high fiber foods like beans. You can use these supplements whenever you eat foods that give you gas. Ensure that you pick out the best digestive enzyme supplements.

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