How to Stop Hair Fall

Hair fall or hair loss can be caused by a variety of triggers such as a mineral deficiency, diet, stress, medications, pollution or genetics. Wearing caps or helmets can also encourage hair loss. Whatever the reason for hair fall, it is important to stop this problem so that hair can grow back. The more baldness progresses the harder it is to fix the problem. Outlined below are a few methods that men and women can use to help prevent hair fall.


How to Stop Hair Fall

1. Get Enough Nutrition

It's very important to get enough nutrition from your diet or supplements for a head of hair both full and healthy.



Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the cell membranes in the scalp as well as the follicles to promote healthy hair growth. These acids also encourage elasticity in the hair so it is less likely to break.


Zinc encourages a healthy scalp and helps to regulate hormones which control the oil-secreting glands on the scalp. Avoid overdoing zinc intake as this will also raise testosterone levels leading to hair loss. People need around 11mg a day to see the right effects.


Eating too little protein can weaken the hair and cause it to turn gray. Eating naturally occurring proteins including vegetarian sources can help prevent this.


Iron helps the body produce healthy blood cells that can deliver oxygen throughout the body. If the scalp does not get a sufficient oxygen supply it can limit hair growth.

Vitamins A and C

Both of these vitamins help the body produce sebum, the oil from the follicles that conditions the hair. Vitamin C can also encourage the body’s use of iron. You should not take more than 15,000 IU of vitamin A each day (5000 IU for men) because excessive amounts of this vitamin can cause hair loss.


Magnesium is used in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Deficiencies of magnesium can cause hair loss in both men and women.


This is a trace element the body uses to produce selenoproteins which are essential to maintaining the metabolism, DNA synthesis, reproduction and immunity. It can also be used to stimulate the hair follicles to encourage growth. A deficiency of selenium can cause the hair follicles to grow abnormally and cause hair loss.

2. Try Topical Remedies



Essential Oils

Massaging the scalp for a few minutes each day with a few drops of bay, sesame, almond or lavender essential oils can promote good circulation and maintain follicle activity.

Hot Oils

Any natural oils including canola, safflower or olive oil can be applied to the scalp to prevent hair loss. Warm the oil, but do not allow it to get hot then apply it to your hair. Wear a shower cap to keep the oil in place for around an hour before shampooing the hair. You can also use mayonnaise to condition the hair.

Garlic, Onion or Ginger Juice

Do not combine garlic, ginger or onion juice. Select one remedy, place the juice on your hair overnight and then wash your hair in the morning.

Rangoli Henna

This green colored powder should feel similar to talc. Rubbing this powder into your hair can seal your cuticles to keep the root and hair shaft strong.

Green Tea

Green tea is very high in antioxidants which can promote growth and keep your hair strong. Brew two bags of green tea in a cup of water, then place it on your hair for about an hour. Rinse your hair carefully afterward.

Potatoes and Rosemary

Boil potatoes with rosemary on the stove, then train the liquid and use it each day to rinse your hair after washing.

3. Practice Hair Care Properly

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