The development of cysts is not preventable and nondiscriminatory as people of all sexes, heritage and age can be affected by these bothersome pockets of tissue. As a common complaint, these pockets are filled with fluid, air or other material. Cysts can develop anywhere in the body or on the skin. Women sometimes complain about the presence of a vaginal cyst. These closed pockets are generally discovered on or under the vaginal wall or lining. Most vaginal cysts cause no symptoms. In cases where symptoms are present, the common complaints include discomfort during intercourse, while walking or inserting a tampon.
Vaginal cysts, including Bartholin’s cyst, typically do not require treatment as they often remain small and do not cause any problems or concerns.
For cysts around or inside the vagina, most of the time they will heal on their own or never causes any discomfort. But be sure to watch it closely and checked regularly by a doctor to make sure it's not growing bigger or getting infected.
With a cyst on the skin, applying warm compress on the affected area should be enough, which help to kill bacteria, fight inflammation and drain the cyst. Just put a clean towel in warm water, and then apply it on the cyst. Repeat this several times per day.
Do sitz baths several times a day for a period of 3 or 4 days may help a small vaginal cyst that is infected to rupture and drain on its own. Put about 4 inches warm water in the bathtub and sit in it until the water loses its heat.
A steroid shot given by a doctor or dermatologist can make the cyst disappear
within 24 hours; however, the affected area may stay red for days or longer.
If treatment is needed, the method used is dependent on the size of a cyst, level of discomfort and presence of infection. At times a biopsy of the cyst may be necessary to rule out cancer. In this procedure a piece of the tissue is removed and examined under a microscope to determine if it is cancerous.
If you are battling an infection alongside a cyst, your physician may prescribe antibiotics. This is initiated for infected cysts and after identification of a sexually transmitted infection. If the cyst is punctured or ruptures on its own, causing the fluid to drain out, antibiotics may not be necessary.
For large vaginal cysts that are fluid filled, your physician may decide to insert a small tube (catheter) into the cyst to allow it to drain. The catheter will need to remain in place for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Fluid can also be drained from a cyst by your physician who makes a small incision in the cyst to drain the fluid. This procedure is called a marsupialization.
For big, painful cysts, surgical removal may be needed. Your doctor may cut an incision on the cyst to drain it. But never try to pick and drain it on your own; alternatively, the doctor may cut out the whole mass if the cyst is too large or deep. This method of treatment is sometimes recommended for women over the age of 40 because of theincreased risk of the vaginal cyst to be cancerous. A positive benefit of this method is that cysts are unlikely to return after surgical removal.
If all treatment measures have failed to solve the question "how to get rid of a Bartholin cyst", your physician may recommend surgery to remove the Bartholin gland. This surgical procedure is usually performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. There is a greater risk for bleeding or the development of complications after this procedure.
As mentioned earlier, there is no way to prevent a vaginal cyst from developing. However, habits that may help to prevent the cyst from becoming infected include maintaining good hygiene and practicing safe sex using a condom.
It has been proven that many cysts respond well to the use of natural and homeopathic treatments. Now let's see how to get rid of a cyst with home remedies.
Apple cider vinegar is probably the first home remedy you will get when asking how to get rid of a Bartholin’s cyst or any cyst. It is known to aid in the prevention and management of infection and inflammation. This should be applied directly to the affected area every day for several days to stabilize its pH levels and help the cyst reabsorb. It is typical to see the benefits of this treatment within 4 to 5 days.
Turmeric paste has been noted for treating cysts because of theproperty cur-cumin which works as an anti-inflammatory. Turmeric powder can be purchased in the spice aisle of grocery
. Or you can boil equal amount of turmeric and water to make a paste, which can be preserved for 2 days in fridge.
Once the paste has cooled, apply a light coating directly on the cyst, covering it completely. Gauze should then be placed over the area. The paste should be reapplied daily for up to 1 month. Be cautious when applying as it has been known to cause yellowish stains to fabric.
To use garlic for cyst, the first step is to make garlic paste which can squeeze the beneficial juice out of it. Once the garlic is mushy, use it in the same manner as the turmeric paste. You can also keep it safely in an air-tight container.
Sepia is an answer to how to get rid of a cyst. Don't be so surprised. The pure brownish-grey inkenclosed in the ink sac of a cuttlefish forms the basis of this remedy.Sepia can be purchased at any retailer that sells homeopathic medicine. The 30C economy 1oz 680 pellet bottle is recommended for the use of vaginal cysts. Dosing should include taking 3 pellets 3 times per day.
If all the above mentioned methods fail to solve the problem of how to get rid of a cyst, or if you have the following symptoms, you should inform your doctor: