Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plans for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a long-term lung disease that is progressive and slowly deteriorating. Various risk factors influence the course of this disease, which may lead to many symptoms. The role of a nurse is to create a COPD care plan for each of the following nursing diagnosis for COPD, to be able to help a patient who is suffering from impaired lung function.

1. Ineffective Breathing Pattern

This COPD nursing diagnosis is related to a decrease in the rate and depth of breathing and may be associated with the patient’s weakness, reduced lung expansion, his position, and the effects of some medicines being taken.

Expected outcomes

Nursing interventions

2. Ineffective Airway Clearance

This nursing diagnosis for COPD may be related to tightening of the airways (bronchospasm), excessive production of thick secretions, allergies, thickening of the bronchial walls, and decreased energy.

Expected outcomes

Nursing interventions

3. Impaired Gas Exchange

This COPD nursing diagnosis may be related to bronchospasm, air-trapping and obstruction of airways, alveoli destruction, and changes in the alveolar-capillary membrane. The patient may demonstrate abnormal breathing, difficulty breathing (dyspnea), restlessness, and inability to tolerate activity.

Expected outcomes

Nursing interventions

4. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements

This nursing diagnosis for COPD may be related to fatigue, dyspnea, medication side effects, sputum production, and anorexia. The patient may exhibit weight loss and loss of appetite.

Expected outcomes

Nursing interventions

5. Activity Intolerance

The COPD care plan for activity intolerance may include a nursing diagnosis of insufficient energy to endure or accomplish daily activities, which may be related to dyspnea and debilitation due to COPD.

Expected outcomes

Nursing interventions

6. Ineffective Individual Coping

This nursing diagnosis for COPD may be related to the patient’s anxiety, depression, lack of socialization, low levels of activity and inability to work.

Expected outcomes

Nursing interventions

7. Knowledge Deficit

This nursing diagnosis for COPD may be related to the patient’s lack of information, misinterpretation of information, cognitive limitation, and lack of recall.

Expected outcomes

Nursing interventions

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