Sudden High Blood Pressure

A sharp increase in blood pressure is not a normal symptom to experience. Many cases of strokes and death have been reported because of a sudden increase in the blood pressure,though individuals who have had normal blood pressure throughout their life are less likely to experience such symptoms. Unanticipated rise in blood pressure is an indication of an underlying heart condition, artery blockage or even a psychological stress. In either case, the after effects can be devastating, which is why a doctor must be consulted immediately.

What Causes Sudden High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is usually caused by many inappropriate practices and habits in our daily life. Some of these are:

  • Medication use. Overuse of certain drugs can increase your blood pressure, for instance, NSAIDS such as ibuprofen and aspirin. In addition, taking birth control pills and several other drugs together can also cause an increase in blood pressure unexpectedly. Drug abuse in case of cocaine and marijuana is also responsible for heart arrest due to persistent increase in blood pressure.
  • Smoking. A dozen chemicals in smoke including nicotinehave been found to damage the vessel linings in our blood. They also decrease the elasticity of body vessels, making them unable to cope with the continuous change in blood pressure. This can lead to a sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Diet. Bad dietary habits are thosewhich involve high saturated fat contents and high sodium levels which are likely to lead to multiple episodes of high blood pressure. They not only increase the blood pressure by increasing solute content in the blood, but also accumulate and block the vessels, which results in a stoke in most cases.
  • Anxiety and stress. Stress is caused by everyday activates or certain thoughts and tasks taking their toll on us. It is a fact that psychological issues such as phobias and depression can cause an unexplained increase in blood pressure, and if such symptoms continue, then it increases the risk of developing hypertension.
  • Medical conditions. Certain conditions, such as kidney diseases, scleroderma, tumors in hormone secreting glands especially adrenal glands and spinal injuries, can lead to episodes of sudden increase in blood pressure. Injuries and accidents can also be accounted for high blood pressure.
  • Other causes. Overuse of stimulating drinks such as tea, coffee and alcohol can cause sudden increase in the blood pressure in a short period. Increased weight, pain and hormonal imbalance can also be attributed to sudden increase in the blood pressure. In some cases, pregnancy can lead to high blood pressures at once.

What Are the Symptoms of Sudden High Blood Pressure?

When the body pressure rises above 120/80 mm Hg, the condition is referred to as high blood pressure which leads to several manifestations in the body. Sudden headache, dizziness, vertigo, impaired vision and difficulty in maintaining balance are some of the symptoms that suggest an acute increase in the blood pressure. In addition, an individual may also experience shortness of breath, chest tightening and temporary loss of sensation in legs and arms.

In more severe episodes, bleeding may occur as the blood vessels are damaged. And if the retina nerves or vessels rupture, it may lead to blindness. In certain rare cases, a person may experience seizures, confusion, altered mental state and even coma, depending on the current health status.

How to Treat Sudden High Blood Pressure

Treatment for high blood pressure is decided based on current medical conditions. In some cases, intravenous therapy is started on emergency basis while further tests are conducted to identify the pathology in other cases. Based on the outcomes, a regimen is provided by the doctor in order to control the blood pressure. If high blood pressure results from different pathologies, then multiple therapies may also be conducted. In more severe cases such as advanced kidney damage or tumors, surgical intervention may also have to be carried out.

How to Prevent Sudden High Blood Pressure Happen Again

In addition to medical treatment, a person can take some measures in order to ensure controlled blood pressure.

1. Tips



Keep away from any stressing stimuli

It is best to involve in creative activities such as painting, exercising and swimming to not only keep your body fit, but also to ensure an outlet for all the stress buildup inside you.

Limit caffeine & alcohol and quit smoking

Speak to your doctor about how much caffeine and alcohol is suitable for you on a daily basis. Also, quit smoking or resort to alternatives such as nicotine gums.

Reduce saturated fat content

Stayaway from junk food and switch to fresher and healthier options such as fruits, vegetables and unsaturated fats. These all can helpprevent any future episodes of high blood pressure.

Reduce salt intake

Salt is perhaps the most common part of our everyday diet. But it is salt that causes a rise in blood pressure. It does so by increasing the solute content in blood and raising the overall pressure. To prevent this, eat low salt food to taper offsalt intake gradually.

Keep exercising

Exercising is best to keep your heart healthy, burn excessive fat and keep your body muscles nourished. Following a proper exercise regimen will also help. Exercise most days of the week, for at least 20 to 30 minutes at a time.

Check your vitals regularly

If you are diagnosed with a heart or blood pressurecondition, it is advised to keep a regular check on your vitals, such as heart rate and sugar levels and kidney diseases. In case of any changes, report to your doctor.

2. Natural Home Remedies




Lemon contains vitamin C, an antioxidant that not only reduces chances of inflammation, but also helps fight free radicals that cause injury to the vessels. It is advised to have half or one lemon per day.


Garlic is a blood thinner, which makes it an anti-hypertensive herb. Using 4 grams per day will not only keep your blood pressure under control, but also increase your immunity.


Celery has a high amount of phytochemicals which relax the muscles and prevent any clogging or chocking. When our blood vessels are relaxed, they tend to allow more blood to pass through, thereby preventing any episodes of chocking.

Coconut water

Studies have shown that drinking coconut water everyday is excellent for maintaining a normal blood pressure because coconut water is rich invitamin C, magnesium and potassium which help decrease bloodpressure.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds contain a large quantity of fiber which is useful for maintaining blood pressure. One can make a paste out of fenugreek by boiling 1-2 spoons of the seeds in water and then blitzing them once softened. Take a tablespoon of this paste every day.

Note: Besides having these herbs, one must also continue with the ongoing regimen suggested by the doctor. Inform your doctor about the herbs you are taking, as some might interact with the drugs you are taking.

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