All Undiagnosed Symptoms Topics

What Causes Painful Fingertips?

Painful fingertips can be an inconvenience or a medical emergency. This symptom can indicate more extensive health problems that might require medical treatment.


Temple Pain on the Left Side: Causes and Treatments

Temple pain on the left side can be very annoying. Before choosing a certain course of treatment, you should understand what is causing the pain.


Pain Under the Belly Button: Women and Men

Pain under your belly button can be a symptom of a specific health issue. Read on to discover the most common causes as well as techniques to resolve the pain.


8 Reasons Why Your Right Temple Hurts

There're many problems that could cause your right temple to ache like headaches and meningitis. Some are easy to treat, but others are severe and need medical care.


Head Pain Above Your Right Eye: Causes and Treatments

What is causing head pain above your right eye? It could be migraines, infection, etc. Luckily there're ways to help ease the pain before it gets unbearable.


Why Do You Cough After Eating?

A cough after you eat is often a sign that something is not quite right in your body. Here are some of the most common causes and treatments for it.


Waking Up with Headache

Waking up with headache can be one of the most surefire ways to ruin a good day. These are the causes of headaches upon waking, as well as several ways that you can prevent or remedy the problem.


Why Do People Talk in Their Sleep?

Why do people talk in their sleep? Are there any harmful effects of talking while sleeping? When does sleep talking take place?... Find all the answers here.


Waking Up Sweating

Waking up sweating at night may not just be a problem of room temperature. It may be caused by certain medical problems, drugs or many other factors. Home remedies and medical treatment can help relieve night sweating.


Armpit Pain

Pain in the armpit can stem from a variety of causes. Determining your symptoms and what might be affecting this pain can help you to determine if you require treatment for the conditions you are suffering.