Can You Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

A pomegranate looks strange; open it up and you see hundreds of seeds, each surrounded by a sac of juice. It can be tough to know how to eat pomegranate. The easiest way might be chewing on the seeds, releasing the juice. Some people then choose to spit out the seeds while others choose to swallow them. Studies show that pomegranate along with its seeds is rich in nutrients, has a very unique flavor and promotes health in many ways.

image001Nutritional Facts about Pomegranate Seeds

The seeds of the pomegranate, also known as arils, can be very good for you. They are loaded with nutrients, minerals and all the good things that your body needs. Besides that, they have an excellent flavor.




There are 3.5 grams of fiber in a ½ cup serving of pomegranate seeds. That’s 14 percent of the daily fiber recommended for women, and 9 percent of what is recommended for men. Fiber can do many things for your body, such as aiding in digestion, helping to reduce your chances of diabetes or heart disease, and keeps you healthy in many other ways.


Pomegranate seeds are little powerhouses of minerals, including 205 milligrams of potassium (about 4 percent of what you need each day, packed into a ½ cup serving), trace amounts of magnesium, zinc and calcium, and small amounts of iron. The iron helps with oxygenation of the body and with boosting your immune system.


A ½ cup serving of pomegranate seeds provides a wide variety of vitamins, including 16 percent of the vitamin K women need each day – that’s 12 percent of what men need. The seeds also contain Vitamin E, about three percent of what you need each day. Vitamin E protects your body against environmental pollutants, which can cut down on your risk of heart disease and cancer.

Can You Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

Pomegranate seeds can definitely be eaten. They are proved to be safe to eat, and have been eaten for thousands of years without any ill effects. Though pomegranate seed oil can be toxic in large doses, it is virtually impossible to eat enough pomegranate seeds to create a toxicity in your body. However, just as with any other foods, pomegranate seeds might trigger food allergies in some people, which typically associated with a strong allergy to fruit pollen. If you have an allergy to pollen, use caution when eating pomegranate.

Healthy Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate has been called a super fruit, or a fruit that has so many good qualities that it should be part of a regular diet. Super fruits can bring a great deal of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and more to the plate with every serving. They are also known for reducing the chances of illness, including certain diseases and cancers.

Tips for Eating Pomegranate

When you are ready to eat pomegranate, it is important to know how to select the best fruits, store them properly, and prepare them safely. Here’s what you need to know to put more pomegranate in your diet.

1. Ways to Eat Pomegranate Seeds

There are some other options for eating the seeds, including sprinkling them over salads, using them to flavor baked goods or jellies, creating traditional Persian recipes, and using to create juice or concentrated juice, which can be used to infuse vibrant flavor into a wide variety of recipes.

2. Selection and Storage

The best pomegranates are grown in Afghanistan. They are considered ripe when the color becomes a distinctive deep red, and when you tap it with your finger, it should sound metallic. However, the fruits must be picked well before maturity, or the seeds will dry out and the shells will crack open. When you are looking for them in the store, choose the pomegranates that have smooth, unblemished skin. If they are stored in a cool, dark place, the shelf life can last for several weeks. If they are at room temperature, try to eat them within five to eight days for maximum flavor.

3. Preparation and Serving

Before preparing pomegranate, make sure it is at room temperature; this makes for easier opening. Most people claim the best flavor comes from the pomegranate eaten straight from the fruit, pure and without any processing or adornments. The fruit is usually eaten by cutting small sections of the skin, then separating the seeds from the white pith and skin. Separation can be simplified by immersing the pomegranate in a bowl of cool water as you work; the seeds will drift to the bottom of the bowl and the pith will rise to the top, where it can be skimmed away. Then simply pat the seeds to remove excess water and eat them.

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