High Blood Sugar Diet

High blood sugar can be a serious problem that can lead to a variety of medical conditions. The most common problem with high blood sugar is diabetes. Those who have diabetes must control their diet and exercise on a regular basis to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Maintaining a good diet suitable for those with diabetes and exercising on a regular basis can go a long way toward staving off those complications. Though you might also need medication to help regulate your blood sugar levels, the high blood sugar diet is the strongest point of your treatment plan.

High Blood Sugar Diet

Those who are on the high blood sugar diet need to adhere to certain restrictions in order to make sure their blood sugar stays at a comfortable, safe level. These are some of the tips you can take to the dinner table to ensure you are eating properly.

1. Eat High-Fiber Slow-Release Carbs

Those who know little about diabetes might think that sugars should be avoided, but that’s not what actually matters most to your blood sugar levels – it’s the carbs! Choosing carbs that are full of fiber and slowly release their nutrients into your bloodstream is very important. Avoid foods like pasta, rice and white bread, as well as candy or snacks that contain high levels of sugary carbs.

Foods to Eat

Foot to Limit

Brown or wild rice

White rice

Whole grain breads

White bread

Rolled oats or steel-cut oats

Instant oatmeal

Bran flakes

Corn flakes

Whole-wheat pastas

Pastas made with white flour

Sweet potatoes, yams, winter squash

White potatoes

High-fiber breakfast cereals

Sugar cereals or “kids” cereals

2. Choose Low GI Foods

The glycemic index, or GI, is a measure of how quickly a food turns to sugar in your body. Those that have a higher GI are foods that should be avoided, while foods that have a low GI are great because they take time to turn to sugar, and that means your blood sugar doesn’t rise as much when you eat them.

Foods to Eat

Non-starchy Fruits, Vegetables and Beans

Apples, pears, blueberries, and other fruits. Look for any leafy green vegetables and servings of beans.

Least-processed Grains

Look for grains that have been “unbroken” or haven’t gone through processing treatments, such as brown rice, whole wheat, or natural granola.

Healthy Protein

These include beans, fish, skinless chicken and other lean meats.

Healthy Fats

Avocados, nuts and olive oil are all healthy fats that you can incorporate into your high blood sugar diet.

Foods to Limit

Refined Grain and White Potatoes

Any food that is “white” should be avoided, including white bread, pastas, white rice, or white potatoes.

Concentrated Sweets

These are high-calorie foods such as soda, ice cream or candy.

3. Choose Healthy Fats

Not all fat is bad for you! In fact, healthy fats are actually good for your body, and can give you a healthy boost while imparting wonderful flavor to your foods. Unhealthy fats are those that come from animals, dairy and the like, while healthy fats come from nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, etc.

Healthy Fats

Unhealthy Fats

Olive oil

Butter, margarine, lard

Nuts and nut butters, seeds

Chips, crackers, rich butters



Canola oil and applesauce


Chicken and turkey

Animals meats and organ meats

Heavy cream or sour cream

Low-fat creams

4. Eat Sweets Rightly

If you have diabetes, you can still have sugar. The key is to have sugar in moderation. The good news is that over time, as your diet grows healthier, your perception of what tastes good will change. It will eventually become such that you don’t crave sugar as much.

How to Add Sweets into Your Diets

These are a few great ways to get the sweets you want without sacrificing your blood sugar control:

How to Cut Down on Sweets

You can cut down on the sweets in your diet without feeling deprived. Here’s how:

5. Keep Healthy Eating Habit

Did you know that cutting only seven percent of your body weight can reduce your risk of diabetes by a significant amount? These tips can help.

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