How to Get Prescribed Xanax

Xanax is a very common medicine used to treat anxiety. Since Xanax can cause problems for those who have certain medical conditions or are pregnant or nursing, it requires a doctor’s prescription to obtain. Xanax can also be habit forming, which is another reason why a physician must prescribe it for you. If you feel you need Xanax, keep reading.

How to Get Prescribed Xanax

Keep in mind that doctors only prescribe this powerful medication to those who really need it. If you think you have an anxiety disorder, these are the steps you should take to obtain a prescription for Xanax.

1. Watch for Signs of Anxiety Disorders

Xanax is only prescribed for those who have anxiety disorders. If you’re not sure what you are experiencing is an anxiety disorder, start paying attention to certain things in your life. Look at your sleeping habits – are you an insomniac? Nightmares and flashbacks to traumatic events are also common aspects of anxiety disorders. Phobias, repeated hand washing, dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, muscle tension and cold or sweaty feet and hands are also a part of the anxiety disorders.

The way you think and feel can also help determine if you are suffering from anxiety. If you are anxious and nervous all the time, very restless, irritable, unable to have fun or find enjoyment in the things you used to like, feel as though you can’t control your thoughts or have feelings that something is terribly wrong, you could be suffering from an anxiety disorder.

2. Schedule a Visit with Your Physician

When there, you will need to tell the doctor about every symptom you have, when they started, what might have prompted them, and answers to any other questions he or she might ask. Keep in mind that a doctor might not prescribe the medication right away; instead, you might be told to visit a psychiatrist in order to talk through the issues and obtain the pills, assuming they are right for you.

Treating an anxiety disorder doesn’t happen overnight, and most physicians prefer not to medicate with pills until underlying issues are being addressed. Once you have seen your family practice physician, you will then schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist, psychologist or mental health counselor. They will then help you determine what you need, including various therapies, and the possibility of medications.

3. Get the Medication

When the doctor decides you need medication, you might be given Xanax, or something else. The doctor will expect you to stop taking all drugs or alcohol, and to let them know about all the other prescription drugs you are taking, in case some of them might interact with the Xanax. You should take the medication exactly as directed. Continue to keep appointments with your counselor or psychiatrist, as they will be able to help you work through the problems and eventually stop the medications. Keep in mind that taking too much or too little Xanax can result in side effects that are unpleasant, and doesn’t actually do anything more to help your anxiety issues. Finally, remember to watch for problems, such as dizziness, dry mouth, problems with concentration, skin rash or suicidal thoughts, as these are some side effects of the drug. Your doctor might want you to stop taking the medication or switch to something else immediately.

Keep in mind that many people who don’t actually need Xanax will try to obtain it, so your doctor might be hesitant to give you the drug on your first visit. Talking with a psychiatrist or counselor will help the doctor see your problem as a serious condition, rather than one you are using to seek out drugs. Once this has been established, getting your prescriptions for Xanax should be easier.

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