All Men's Health Topics

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

The causes of erectile dysfunction vary from physical to psychological. Men who experience erectile dysfunction should seek treatment for the problem and there are a number of methods used to treat erectile dysfunction.


Penis Tears After Sex

A cut on the penis happens in several instances. You should allow time for the penis tear to heal before resuming sex. Read on to find the solutions when you have a cut on your penis.


Why Should Men Eat Celery?

There is research that indicates that celery is beneficial for sexual health of men. The article discusses benefits of celery and other foods good for men.


Anemia Among Men: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Anemia among men is a common problem, often caused by an internal bleeding, iron absorption problems, poor diet, chronic diseases, etc. Learn the treatment.


6 Ginger Benefits Unique for Males

Besides the multiple medical uses, ginger has certain benefits especially for men, such as treating prostate cancer, increasing male fertility, etc.


Enlarged Prostate Causes

Enlarged prostate causes are not sure, but some risks factors include age, lifestyle, etc. Here, what the symptoms are and how to deal with it will also be discussed.


Herbs for Testosterone

Herbs for testosterone have been in use for many thousands of years. Some of them are proven to work quickly, while others need time to build up in your body. These herbs can also increase your libido, energy levels, memory, and mood, etc.


Testicular Pain

Testicular Pain is a rare symptom that may occur in many conditions. Testicular torsion, epididymitis and trauma to testes are some of the most common causes.