Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

Apple cider vinegar is a liquid that is made from crushed, fermented apples that is known for providing various nutrition that can help to lower cholesterol, prevent food poisoning, relieve allergies, provide antioxidants, cure acne, strengthen the immune system, promote weight loss and more. However, in spite of these benefits it can be dangerous. You should talk to your doctor before staring an apple cider vinegar regimen to make sure it will not conflict with any existing health conditions or allergies.


Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

1. Sore Throat

The strong acid in apple cider vinegar can irritate the throat and cause it to become sore. Dilute the apple cider vinegar with large portions of water to make it easier to swallow. If you are still having difficulties, contact your doctor for medical assistance.

2. Decreased Potassium

Consuming apple cider vinegar will lower your body’s natural potassium levels. If you are already taking medications that are designed to lower potassium levels, speak to your doctor before adding apple cider vinegar to your regimen.

3. Effect on Tooth Enamel

The high acid level in apple cider vinegar can cause your enamel to weaken which can make it difficult to chew. After consuming apple cider vinegar you should rinse your mouth out or sip this mixture with a straw to protect your teeth.

4. Stomach Upset

After drinking apple cider vinegar you may develop a stomach ache that lasts for over an hour. Mixing the vinegar with a bit of baking soda will balance out the acidity that can help prevent this remedy. Mixing eight ounces of water with two teaspoons apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon baking soda is recommended.

5. Change of Bone Density

Apple cider vinegar is not recommended for those with osteoporosis as it has been known to lower bone density. Before you use apple cider vinegar to detoxify the body, speak to your doctor to ensure that it will not negatively interact with any medications you are using to help manage your bone health.

6. Nausea

Regularly consuming apple cider vinegar can cause you to feel nauseous for a few hours, though it does not typically lead to vomiting. You should not drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach and you may need to vary the time of day in which you drink this substance to determine when it sits well with your system.

7. Severe Acne

Apple cider vinegar causes your body to cleanse itself of impurities which can cause acne to appear on the skin as these impurities move out of the skin. This side effect should only last a few weeks.

8. Severe Itching

Some have reported that taking apple cider vinegar for a few days has caused itching all over. This may be a sign of an allergy, so it may be necessary to stop using the vinegar until the itching subsides, then return to consuming the vinegar. If the itching returns you should avoid using apple cider vinegar in the future.

9. Headaches

As your body detoxes it can cause your body to develop a headache after using apple cider vinegar. These headaches should not be severe and will stop after a few weeks. If they continue or become severe, stop using apple cider vinegar. Some have found that using apple cider vinegar has actually helped to cure migraines.

10. Interaction with Drugs

Those that plan to use apple cider vinegar as a home remedy should be aware that constantly drinking apple cider vinegar can negatively interact with medications that contain furosemide, bumetanide, chlorthakindone, chlorothiazide, etharcrynic acid or metolazine among others.

Precautions of Taking Apple Cider Vinegar

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