Blood Blister in the Finger: Home Remedies & Prevention

image001 Blood blisters occur when there is damage to the skin. Small blood vessels rupture underneath the skin’s surface and cause a painful red bump. A blood blister might not only be painful and irritable – it can get infected. Proper care should be taken to make sure the blood blister does not get infected. Most blood blisters heal on their own, but there are simple steps you can take to lessen the chance for infection and ease the pain.

Overviews of Blood Blister

A blood blister is a red, fluid-filled bump that is painful to touch and usually occurs on the hands and feet. Strong pinching, scalding and burning, intense rubbing, tight clothes, viral skin infections, and exposure to chemicals and allergens are the most common causes of a blood blister. Blood blisters are similar to normal blisters, but differ in that they are mainly filled with blood instead of clear bodily fluids.

Home Remedies for Blood Blister on Finger

Never pop a blood blister. Popping a blood blister increases the chance for infection and slows the healing process. Instead, keep the blood blister elevated so blood flows away from it. A blood blister often heals on its own by draining or drying out, but you can wear a bandage over it to speed healing and minimize infection. Here are some home remedies that help the blood blister healing and reduce pain.

1. Cold Compress/Ice

Apply an ice or a frozen vegetable bag in a towel against the area for 10 minutes. Wait 10 minutes and compress the area again. The coldness causes blood vessels to constrict, reduces swelling, and stops internal bleeding.

2. Aloe Vera

Fresh Aloe Vera gel or Aloe Vera juice has inflammatory properties that ease pain and swelling. Apply the gel daily for three to four days. You can also mix Aloe Vera gel with vitamin E oil in equal parts and apply it to the blood blister.

3. Garlic Oil

Garlic has many components that speed up the healing process and it also acts as a disinfectant. Use natural garlic oil at room temperature, massage it into the area around the blister, and leave it on for 30 minutes a few times a day. Rinse with cool water each time you use the garlic oil, but stop if you notice redness or irritation to the skin.

4. Sandalwood

Sandalwood powder draws heat away from a blood blister reducing inflammation and pain. Take sandalwood powder and add rose water to it to make a thick paste. Apply the paste several times a day and let it dry and then rinse with cool water.

5. Witch Hazel

Spread a small amount of witch hazel on the blood blister. Witch hazel contains astringent tannins that help dry out the blood blister and reduce pain and swelling. Do this at least four times a day for a week to two weeks to provide relief from pain and quicken healing of the blood blister.

6. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree has many medicinal characteristics that will help speed up the healing process. Mix some tea tree oil with water to dilute it, apply it to the blood blister for 10 minutes, and rinse it off with cool water. However, this method is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

7. Epson Salt

Add Epson salt to warm water and clean the blood blister two to three times a day with the solution. The mixture of Epson salt and warm water will make the blood blister burst “naturally” and reduce pain and swelling.

Precautions to Take With Blood Blisters

Preventions for Blood Blister on Finger

To prevent blood blisters, try to avoid whatever situation gave you the blister in the first place. Moisture on your skin is a frequent cause of a blood blister because blisters form easier on moist skin. Prevent blood blisters by keeping your skin dry -- especially on your feet. Wear socks that are specifically made to absorb moisture and provide plenty of cushioning. Wear protective gloves on your hands when you engage in activities known to cause blood blisters like bike riding, weightlifting, baseball, and golf.

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