All Cancer Topics

Throat Cancer

Throat cancer refers to any cancer tumor that develops in the pharynx, larynx, epiglottis or tonsils. Throat cancer is life threatening.


Throat Cancer

Throat Cancer: Causes and Risk Factors, Signs and Symptoms, Throat Cancer Diagnosis and Throat Cancer Treatments.


HPV Throat Cancer

The incidence of HPV throat cancer, also called oropharyngeal cancer, has been increasing significantly in the US.


Throat Cancer Symptoms

Awareness of the throat cancer symptoms is critical for early detection and treatment. The symptoms of throat cancer depend on the specific part of the throat that is affected and its stages.


Bowel Cancer Symptoms

Bowel cancer is cancer of the large bowel. How to identify bowel cancer symptoms in its early stages?


Cancer Causing Foods

Many are wondering why cancer is becoming more common nowadays. Studies show that aside from genetic and environmental factors, there are many cancer-causing foods that may be linked to the development of the disease.


How do You Get Cancer?

Cancer refers to a system that causes the tissues within the body to start growing out of control. So, how do you get cancer? There are several causes that can play a role in whether or not you are at risk.


Jaw Cancer

Jaw cancer is a serious condition that is much easier to treat at an early stage. Learn the warning signs and risks associated with jaw cancer so you can determine the best steps to take to prevent this disease.