All Children's Health Topics

Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid

Meconium stained amniotic fluid can be an indication of meconium aspiration syndrome in newborns. Learn the signs of this condition, and how it is treated.


Baby Chest Congestion

Like adults, babies can suffer from chest congestion. Baby chest congestion can occur due to a number of causes and can often be carefully relived at home.


Normal Respiratory Rate for Infants

It’s important to know the normal respiratory rate for infants as fluctuation from what is normal may be a sign of underlying diseases, which require medical attention.


Parenting Guide: Oral Thrush in Babies

Oral thrush is a fungal infection that affects the mouth and is quite common in babies and young children… Knowing typical symptoms is crucial to identify if your baby got thrush in mouth.


Chronic Cough in Children: Causes & Treatments

Most often, chronic cough in children is not serious and is necessary to help keep the airways open. Here are some common causes of chronic cough in children and what you can do at home for relief.


Calorie Intake for Children (4-18 Years Old)

Looking for calorie intake for children? Here’s what you need plus with the best foods to pack in the most nutrition. You will also find useful tips to help you and your children live healthier together as a family.


How to Increase HGH Naturally

Human growth hormone is associated with growth and development in younger children or adolescents and control of aging process and cellular remodeling in adults. You can stimulate your release of HGH naturally by employing simple functional home remedies.


Healthy Diet for Teens

The teenage years are an exciting time of growth and change, so healthy diet for teens is vital. Empower your teen and help them develop a high-quality menu completed with balanced food choices.


Cognitive Developmental Milestones

In the past we didn’t understand how intelligent children are. Here are some of the cognitive developmental milestones that they reach at various ages in their development ranging from newborns up to six years old.


Toddler Poop Color

The color, consistency, frequency of stools describes a great deal about the health of your baby’s digestive tract. This article describes the importance of toddler poop color, and when should you consult a physician.