Constant Burping

image001 Everyone burps at some point or another and this is completely normal. That is because our body uses burping to help force out excess gas and air from our intestinal tract. Sometimes, however, someone will have constant burping which can indicate some sort of stomach problem that should be treated, for example, excessive burping can be caused by aerophagia. The best way to determine why you are burping constantly and how to treat the problem is to assess your overall health and eating habits.

Causes of Constant Burping

In most cases constant burping is due to poor dietary habits. It is possible however, that frequent burping is the result of a medical condition. Here are a few of the common reasons for burping or belching.



Swallowing Air

Swallowing air is called aerophagia and is an incredibly common reason people burp. If you have aerated drinks or eat quickly, you are more likely to swallow air. The same is true of drinking through a straw as well.

Digestive System Malfunction

Your digestive system can malfunction for a variety of reasons including ingesting fatty foods, gastritis, stomach ulcers, hiatal hernias or acid reflux disease. If there is too much gas formed in your digestive system, your body gets temporary relief by expelling it through your mouth. However, this will also let more air in.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS affects the large intestine and can cause diarrhea, cramping, burping, bloating and constipation. The only treatment for IBS is to follow a specific diet by eliminating certain foods.


Gastroparesis occurs when food stays in your stomach for longer than normal because the stomach muscles are not sufficiently strong to push it onto the next digestive structure. Symptoms include excessive burping as well as nausea and vomiting.

Gastric Cancer

Stomach cancers can lead to gastric problems including constant burping, vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. The best treatment in this case is to treat the cancer.

Other Reasons

Other possible causes including consuming acidic foods, chocolates or certain vegetables such as onions, sprouts, beans, cabbage, apricots and lentils.

Home Remedies for Constant Burping

The best way to eliminate constant burping is to change your eating habits. You can also try some home remedies that are found right in your kitchen that can help cure your excessive burping.

1. Change Eating Habits

When eating, try to chew with your mouth closed as this prevents air from entering your stomach which in turn prevents the need to burp. You should also make it a point to eat slowly and always chew well before you swallow. Swallowing can be another cause of burping as most people will quickly swallow their food and additional air at the same time.

2. Try Natural Herbs

3. Think of Lemon

4. Avoid Wrong Foods

Certain foods including sugars and milk can trigger burping. In addition specific fruits and vegetables can contribute. These have a starch that the stomach can’t easily digest but help treat bacteria located there and include sprouts, onions, prunes, apricots, bananas, cabbage, beans and lentils. Whole grains can also lead to gas and burping.

5. Take Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes help with digestion and by doing so will reduce your gas production as well as bloating and belching. You can consume a daily probiotic supplement which will reduce the bad bacteria found in your intestine as these bacteria can lead to excessive gas production. Some older people will have a lower production of digestive enzymes and an incorrect floral balance. Crucial digestive enzymes include protease, amylase, lipase, cellulose, lactase, maltase and sucrose.

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