Foods High In Fructose

Are you at the risk of developing blood sugar level complications? It is important to monitor your intake of fructose based foods. This article lists the food both high and low in fructose and the dangers of excessive intake.

Foods High in Fructose





  • Most tree fruits contain high levels of fructose. These fruits include bananas, apples, citrus fruits as well as grapes. Pears also have high fructose levels. Pears can be obtained in syrup, canned, bottled or in its natural form. The agave fruits also contain some of the highest levels of fructose.
  • Berries and melons are also rich in fructose. Melons cover cantaloupe, watermelons as well as the honeydews. Berries cover raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and huckleberries.
  • All foods containing the fruits listed above as the main ingredients contain high fructose levels. This also includes food made to be consumed by babies. Unsweetened and sweetened apple source also contains fructose.



All vegetables contain high levels of fructose. Some of the vegetables with fructan content include asparagus, artichoke, beans, broccoli, leek, cabbage, onion, tomato, peanuts and zucchini. These foods can be avoided in low sugar diets.

Dried Fruits


Dried fruits are rich in concentrated fructose. This increases the sugar levels in these fruits. Some of the dried fruits known to contain high levels of fructose include dates, figs, apples, pineapples and raisins.

Sauces and Toppings


There are various toppings and sauces rich in high levels in fructose.

  • Foods that fall under this category include molasses, sweet and sour sources, fruit salsa, barbeque sauce as well as honey.
  • Other sauces in this category include honey mustards, raspberry ranch, and Italian vinaigrette.
  • Pineapple, strawberry, caramel, blueberry and apple ice cream toppings also contain high fructose levels.
  • Jams and fruit jellies are also very rich in fructose.



  • Most processed drinks contain high levels of this sugar.
  • Also, the drinks that are decaffeinated and caffeinated carbonated drinks also contain high levels of fructose.
  • Other beverages with high fructose levels include dessert wines, port, sherry and muscatel.
  • Soft drinks, pops as well as white drinks are also referred to as carbonated beverages and they too contain high levels of fructose.
  • Fruit drinks are found to contain a blend of sugars, water and fruit juice.
  • Drink mixes made from cranberry are also believed to contain high levels of fructose and other sugars.
  • Other beverages high in fructose levels include agave, pear, mango, orange, pomegranate and apple based fruit drinks.

Processed Foods


Foods that have been prepared commercially can have high fructose levels. Even products that are not sweet may contain fructose as an ingredient.

  • Some processed products rich in fructose include condiments and ketchup, sweet pickles, soups, breakfast cereals, frozen foods, boxed dinner, canned foods, crackers and breads.
  • Commercially prepared foods like pastries and chocolate contain very high levels of fructose.

Foods Low in Fructose





The fruits with low levels of fructose are ideal for those with intestinal health complications. Some of the fruits rich in fructose include strawberries, lemons, strawberries, avocados, limes, rhubarb as well as bananas.



Most vegetables contain fructose naturally. Some of the vegetables contain low levels of fructose ideal for low sugar diets.

Cooked vegetables are the most preferable for low fructose levels. Low fructose vegetables include leafy greens, asparagus, mushrooms, celery, spinach, white potatoes as well as pea pods.



There are certain grain products that contain natural fructose levels. Recommended low fructose grain product include wheat-free rye bread, gluten free, corn flakes, degermed cornmeal, oatmeal, grits, rye flour, white rice as well as buckwheat noodles.



Meat is found to have no effect on raising the sugar levels in the blood. Meat is also fructose free naturally making it ideal for low sugar diets. Ideal types of meat include chicken, beef, pork, turkey as well as fish.

Dairy and Eggs


Dairy products and eggs are known to contain lactose as opposed to fructose. This makes them safe for those seeking low fructose diets. Dairy products include cheese, milk, ice cream, butter as well as yogurt.



All fat based products as well as fats are fructose free. Some of the products that are fat based include margarines, butter and lard. Healthy oils like olive and coconut oils are also fructose free.

Understanding Fructose Sugar Intake

It is important for you to learn about fructose as it is a sugar commonly found in most natural and processed food products. This is a naturally occurring sugar present in most fruits. It is also available in a wide range of processed foods you purchase from the supermarket.

Fructose belongs to the groups of simple sugars (monosaccharides) required by the body for the production of energy. It is naturally present in honey, vegetables and fruits. The amounts of fructose found in fruits and vegetables are good for the body as these amounts help the body in the adequate production of glucose. However, too much intake of fructose can overwhelm the body’s metabolism in processing the excess sugars. Today, at least 10% of the diet contains fructose.

If you suffer from gastrointestinal condition like irritable bowel movement syndrome and others, fructose can be a problem for you. The body has a hard time absorbing fructose from fruits and other foods and can cause bloating, gas, diarrhea and even abdominal cramping. For those with difficulties in fructose absorption, you need to avoid foods with high levels of fructose to avoid straining the body.

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