How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions and this has led to emergence of various ways and techniques to lose excess weight and fat. Fat can accumulate in your body due to many factors including leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating large amount of high fat and sugary foods. Genetics, age and structure of your body may determine the pattern of accumulation of fat in your body. The most usual and common cause of developing a lower belly pooch is the accumulation of belly fat. Let us discuss some measures, which help in getting rid of this problem.

Regular Exercise to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

When it comes to getting rid of lower belly rid, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstressed. You should include regular exercise as part of your daily routine so that you start burning more calories during the day.

1. Interval Training. While exercising, it is recommended to alternate short bursts of increased activity with small periods of slow activity. For example, intersperse brief episodes of sprinting in between your walking sessions. According to researches, by including interval training in your exercise routine you will be able to burn more calories.

2. Cardio Exercises. Increase your time of cardio or aerobic exercises as doing cardio raises your heart rate and burns calories quickly. Aerobic exercises are known to cause overall fat loss and in the process you will lose your lower belly fat too.

3. Resisting Training. It is suggested by a study conducted in the year 2006 and published in the International Journal and Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism that you get rid of abdominal fat more effectively by combining resistance training with cardiovascular or aerobic exercise in comparison to only doing cardiovascular exercises. Exercise machines, free weights or resistance bands can be used to do resistance training.

4. Lower Ab Exercises: There are certain exercises described below that focus especially on the lower belly region.

Proper Diet to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

More Measures to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

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