How to Unplug Ears

Clogged or plugged ears are a common condition that happens when there is blockage in the Eustachian tube. A buildup of wax and fluid due to ear infections, sinusitis and air pressure changes are all culprits. Clogging or blockage in the ear can lead to feelings of pain, discomfort and dizziness, and your ears will feel like they are uncomfortably full.

How to Unplug Ears

1. Common Ways to Unplug Ears

Earwax Removal. Earwax serves as a barrier for water, dust, and infection. However, excess buildup of wax can cause pain and discomfort and this excess needs to be removed.

Relieving Blockage. Colds, sinusitis and allergies lead to blockages in the Eustachian tube that can cause the buildup of fluids in the middle ear. If not treated, more serious infections can occur.

Alleviating Barotrauma. Travelling at high altitudes, air travel or scuba diving cause changes in pressure that affect the inner and outer side of the eardrum. Barotrauma can often be quite painful, causing piercing sensations and immense pressure within the ear.

Microsuction. This procedure works by using a mild suction and vacuuming to remove wax, fluids and foreign bodies. You can use at home kits, but for persistent buildup it is a better idea to have this procedure completed by a medical professional.

2. Ways to Unplug Ears after Flying

The middle ear is an air pocket that is highly susceptible to air pressure changes. During flight, there are changes to air pressure as the plane gains or loses significant altitude. This pressure is most common during landing as the plane is quickly moving from a high air pressure to low air pressure.

There are a few things you can do to help alleviate this pressure. Yawning and swallowing are the most common. However, when those are not working try pinching your nose shut, inhaling through your mouth and exhaling “through your ears” (the pressure of the exhale will equalize pressure in the ears). Drinking water and using earplugs are also a great aid to keep pressure out of your ears. If none of these work and your ears are still blocked after the plane has landed, see a doctor.

3. Ways to Unplug Ears after Swimming

If your ears become clogged or water logged during swimming, try standing on one foot and tilting your head to that side. Jump up and down while using your forefinger to shake your ear. Repeat this ten times and then repeat this procedure on your other ear. You should feel the water release and flow out of your ear.

4. Ways to Unplug Ears Due to Cold

Colds often lead to sinus congestion, which clog the Eustachian tube. This can be a very painful condition. This tube is connected to the middle ear and the back of your nose.

5. Things to Avoid

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