How to Control Emotions

Everyone has to manage a lot in their daily schedule, especially school activities, work activities, and social activities. Sometimes stress can overcome you so that you can't adequately control your emotions. Usually, this makes your situation worse, instead of better, if you are controlled by your emotion. Fear, for example, can only make you stop what you should be doing and miss the chance to accomplish something. Anger can cause you to fight with people you normally love. So, trying to control emotions is important. But how?

How to Control Emotions

Controlling your emotions is important if you want to get your condition across. Fortunately, there are some ways you can learn from and practice in your daily life.

1.   Don't Make Instant Reactions

If you react right away to a trigger, you may be making a big mistake. You may do something or say something you'll regret later. Before taking on a trigger with strong emotions, breathe for about five minutes, letting your muscles relax and letting your heartbeat turn into a normal range. As you become calmer, you will realize that whatever you are facing is just a temporary phenomenon.

2.   Find Out What Is Important at the Moment

If a challenging situation is presented to you, try and put things in order of priority. Act on those things that are able to be done in the present and let go of those things that are of a lesser priority. Many people tend to get riled about the little things and lose sight of whatever it is that should be acted on first. Take a moment to recognize what should be done first and leave the rest until later.

3.   Pay Attention to What It Is That You Can Control

If you are facing an emotional or stressful situation, stop and pay attention to those things you have control over. If there is something you can't control, let it go. You can learn how to control emotions with above mentioned tips, but there may be conditions that so few things you can control, then there is no reason to become stressed or frustrated about it.

4.   Believe In Yourself

You are powerful enough to handle whatever comes your way, even those things that cause you stress and anxiety. You must recognize your strengths and go ahead and do what you can. Some situations can be hard but, if you go little by little, you can move forward with a solution.

5.   Release Your Emotions

When you learn how to control emotions, you must find ways to release your feelings in a healthy manner. You should never bottle up your emotions and should instead sublimate them with healthy activities. See someone you care about so that you can tell them what has happened to you. Listening to another's opinion can help you broaden your horizons. Try journaling about your emotions so that you can see them on paper rather than having them rattled your mind. Physical activity can help you control your emotions, especially things like martial arts or kickboxing. You can also try chanting or meditating to relieve your mind from negative emotions and to become more tranquil.

6.   Change Your Thoughts

Your negative emotions will tie you up to having recurrent negative thoughts and negative behavior patterns. When confronted with an emotion that is sending you into a negative tailspin, allow it to go from your mind by changing it into another type of thought. Imagine what the real resolution is to your issue and focus on that because it will make you a happier and calmer person.

7.   Forgive Your Emotion Triggers

When you learn how to control emotions, you recognize that what is contributing to your negative emotions may be someone you really care about. Try to forgive them, instead of thinking "she betrayed me", or such kind of ideas. When you allow yourself to forgive, you are able to detach from the situation, including the jealousy, anger, or resentment residing inside you. You will begin to dissociate from whatever negative emotions you are feeling.

8.   Think About the Bigger Picture

Regardless of what happens to you, good or bad, there is a higher purpose for it. When you stay smart, you can begin to think about the past issues that had bothered you, which turned out to be great experiences you have never felt and benefited you in some way, like Steve Jobs has said in his speech. Always trust what happens to you can make difference in your life and now, just be calm and face it bravely.

Here are more tips you can learn from:

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