Warts are a medically treatable and highly contagious viral skin condition. Warts are little bumps that usually look fleshy with seeds. Warts can be found on nearly every part of the body, including genitals. Verrucas, or called plantar wart
, tend to cause much pain as they are found on one of the most used parts of the body which endure a person’s weight—soles of feet. So they may look much flatter than warts on other body parts. Verrucas appear to have black seeds within them but these black dots are actually blood vessels that feed the wart. Verrucas are very painful but thankfully there are many ways on how to get rid of them.
Most verrucas disappear on their own but if they persist or worsen, treatments are necessary and essential.Before self-treatment, talk to your doctor first if you have a weakened immune system, diabetes
, or numbness in your feet.
There are different home remedies and medical treatments on how to get rid of verrucas. Here are some of the main methods you can use:
Non-prescription salicylic acid can be bought over the counter at any store or pharmacy that has first aid products. Prescribe salicylic acid has stronger effects and can heal the verrcaus quicker. They work to burn away and kill the verrucas.
Besides, you can replace salicylic acid with zinc or silver nitrate for wart removal. Also be sure to protect surrounding skin areas, especially with silver nitrate.
Over-the-counter freezing therapies are similar to the process of freezing warts with liquid nitrogen; however, this is not quite as strong and uses a different chemical called dimethyl ether propane. There are many different over-the-counter freezing therapies on the market today and if you don't know which one fits you best, consult a doctor.
Duct tape is very effective in getting rid of warts and some people believe silver duct tape works best. Follow the procedures below to get positive results.
Note:If the planter wart is not gone after 28 days, this method of treatment is most likely not going to work so try other methods or seek your
doctor's help.
Cryotherapy is a process in which the verruca is frozen with liquid nitrogen. The process is generally done in a hospital and only lasts 5-15 minutes. This process can be very painful and may have to be done a few times with a few weeks in between processes.
Shave excisionis a process where a blade is taken to completely remove the verrucas. After removal, acids are place directly onto and into the affected area. Local anesthetics are necessary in this process as it is very painful. This procedure may leave scars on your skin.
Boost your immune systemwith medications and some medical methods, such as Imiquimod and immunotherapy, which allow the body to fight the infection on its own. Imiquimod is a cream that you can apply several times a week, generally before bed. Immunotherapy can be done every few weeks and up to 5 times total. Immunotherapy triggers your immune system by injecting fluid directly into the verrucas.
After wart removal, the virus that causes warts (HPV) can still live on your skin for months. Verrucas are so contagious, even after removal, you could cause reinfection by simply walking.There are several ways to try to either prevent getting a verruca or spreading the virus.
Knowing what causes verrucas can give us an insight on how to get rid of verrucas. The cause of verrucas or planter warts is HPV, or Human Papillomavirus. Verrucas occur when HPV causes skin to grow rapidly by causing infection on the outer layer of the skin. Warts are also highly contagious and can be passed from one person to another or from one area of the body to another, very easily. Some people are more susceptible to getting warts than others but others may never get warts, even exposed to them.
NOTE: The old saying about getting warts from toads is absolutely false. Although the bumps on toads do very much resemble warts, they are in fact glands. These glands do not produce anything that could give anyone a wart!
Although anyone can get a wart, there are certain age groups and other variables that determine a more likelihood of getting a wart.