Inflamed Taste Bud

Taste buds are essential as they allow us to taste our foods. There are between 2,000 and 8,000 taste buds on our tongue as well as the epiglottis, esophagus and soft palate; different areas detect different flavors. The ones at the tip detect sweetness; the ones in the back detect bitterness, the sides detect saltiness and the lateral area detects sourness. One the taste buds begin to swell, it can make it more difficult to taste foods and drinks. If the taste buds become inflamed, it can lead to complications if you do not receive proper treatment but knowing the signs and causes can help you get treatment in a timely manner.


Causes of Inflamed Taste Bud

Treatments for Inflamed Taste Bud

1. Apply Soothing Agents



Mouth Gargles


Three times a day you should mix a teaspoon of salt in a warm glass of water and gargle it. It encourages blood flow which helps reduce the inflammation.

Ice Application


Applying ice right on the swollen or inflamed area can help symptoms but it is important never to leave the ice on for too long as this can cause circulation problems. Another option is to eat or chew ice chips.

Baking Soda


Applying baking soda to the inflamed taste buds can also help.



Honey can be used like an oral swish.

Ginger, Pepper and Garlic


If the inflammation is due to infection, combining these three ingredients three to four times a day can reduce the infection.



Glycerin will sooth the tongue as well as give relief from burning sensations, especially when the inflammation is due to hot foods, lacerations, burns or cuts.

Tea Tree Oil


This can be used as a gargle to reduce inflammation.

2. Avoid Irritating Things

One of the best ways to treat inflamed taste buds is to avoid irritating things such as the following:

Preventions for Inflamed Taste Bud

Prevention is the best treatment as it stops the problem from occurring in the first place. The best way to prevent inflamed taste buds is to be aware of possible causes and avoid them whenever possible. Things to avoid include food that is too spicy or hot or that you are allergic to, smoking tobacco, ingesting toxic materials (including irritating solutions, poison, insecticides and alcohol) and trauma to the mouth. It is possible that the taste buds are swollen due to an underlying cause so it is important to talk to your doctor.

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