Isometric Exercise

Isometrics is nothing new in fact; the military in many countries have used isometrics as a fast and simple method to strengthen the core muscles in their fighting forces. Schools have used isometrics as a form of exercise in their physical education requirements. The name isometrics is formed from two Latin roots meaning “equal length”. You will understand the meaning better when we get into the actual exercise descriptions.

Mechanics of Isometric Exercise

There are many ways to perform isometrics. Once you have a more complete understanding of the exercise you can create your own custom exercise routine and even make the experience more fun for you. So let’s quickly run through the few terms you need to know about certain muscle groups in the body.

Benefits of Isometric Exercise

Ok, now that we have the basics of the mechanics in the body that isometrics deals with, we can now move on to the further benefit of isometrics.

Examples of Isometric Exercises

Let’s cover first what a set means in case you are not familiar. A set means you have completed one repetition of the exercise a certain number of times. So when a set of 10 repetitions is asked for then this is what a set means. Ok now that we have that down, let’s get sweating.

Strength Exercises

1. Chair Leg Extension


Aim to: Strengthen Quadriceps and Thighs

  1. Sit on a chair with an upright posture with back and tailbone pressed to the back of chair with chin up and shoulders back.
  2. While looking straight towards the wall ahead, lift right leg from the knee and point straight outward.
  3. Beware that your knee is not consciously locked or too stiff.
  4. Flex your foot straight up to the ceiling nice and tight.
  5. Replace foot and leg to original position.
  6. This is one set-repeat ten times.

2. Hand Press


Aim to: Strengthen Biceps, Triceps and Chest

  1. Stand or sit but be sure back is straight.
  2. Join both hands in praying position then interlock fingers.
  3. Press your palms together firmly-you will feel your chest flex if you’ve done it right.
  4. Hold the muscles tight for a count of ten.
  5. Repeat four times for a total of four sets of ten second holds.

3. Wall Push Off


Aim to: Strengthen Chest, Triceps and Shoulders

  1. Stand facing a bare wall- feet shoulder width apart- no more than five feet from the wall.
  2. Place both palms on wall shoulder length apart.
  3. Without moving your feet, bring chest in until your nose near enough touches the wall and push back.
  4. This is like doing a pushup except your wall is the floor.

Bonus Challenge: Get this exercise to be more of a challenge for you. Move the exercise to a desk or a very stable table so that you have a tougher time pushing back.

4. Overhead Press


Aim to: Strengthen Shoulders

  1. Sit or stand with back straight.
  2. Flex forearm so hands are parallel to shoulders with fists clenched slightly.
  3. Turn out elbows as you are going to flap like a chicken but do not straighten them out.
  4. Push your arms up over center of head.
  5. Repeat ten times.

Bonus Challenge: Use a book or dumbbell in hands next time to add resistance to your push.

5. Drawing-in Maneuver


Aim to: Strengthen Core

  1. Sit or stand with hands on side or placed on hips.
  2. Feet should be shoulder length apart.
  3. Pull or “draw” in stomach in and up toward your diaphragm.
  4. Hold in for five to ten seconds then push out.
  5. Do this ten times max, five times minimum.

Flexibility Exercises

1. Side Bend


Aim to: Stretch Back and Sides

  1. Sit with your tailbone on edge of chair or stand with back straight.
  2. Have feet shoulder length apart.
  3. Lock fingers with your palms facing away sort of like you are ready to crack your knuckles (just don’t –it’s unhealthy).
  4. Extend your arms out and over your head keeping fingers locked like you are going to stretch and yawn.
  5. Now, bend to one side from the hip and hold it there. Now, bend to the opposite side and hold. The hold should be for at least five seconds.

2. Cross Arm


Aim to: Stretches Upper Back

  1. Sit or stand with back straight.
  2. Cross your right arm at shoulder length across chest.
  3. With left hand, grab your right upper arm and pull towards the right gently and try not to hyperextend and cause injury.
  4. Hold for five seconds and release.
  5. Switch sides and repeat.

3. Neck Stretch


Aim to: Stretch Neck

  1. Stand or sit facing forward with spine straight
  2. Slowly turn head to the right as far as it will go comfortably and hold.
  3. Bring head back to front.
  4. Slowly turn head to left as far as it will go comfortably.
  5. Bring head to front.
  6. Now slowly tilt head down so chin is as close to the chest as possible. If you can touch your chin to chest that is great only make sure you don’t hyper-extend it.

Warning: Never tilt your head to the back because it puts a ten pound pressure on the upper spine. This can cause injury and therefore be counterproductive to the exercise.

Disadvantages of Isometric Exercises

For the most part if you are in good health with no major issues such as high blood pressure or cardiac issues, you can do isometrics safely and reap the benefits. Isometrics is as safe as any other exercise with one minor concern. You should seek a physician’s approval prior to beginning any exercise regimen.

However, when you have high blood pressure you should do so especially. This is because isometrics can cause a spike in blood pressure and affect the heart rate for a short period of time that may, in rare cases prove a bit dangerous to some.

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