If you are looking for smooth and silky legs, shaving is quick and the most common way to achieve that. But you should know it is common to get itchy legs after shaving. This is caused by many things, not the least of which is having dry skin. If you have very dry skin, you may even get a rash. On the good side, there are things you can do to prevent itchiness after shaving so that shaving isn't such an uncomfortable chore.
What Causes Itchy Legs After Shaving?
There are several different causes of this annoying problem. Some of these are more common than others. These include the following:
- Having dry skin. If you are already a sufferer of dry skin, putting a shaver against the skin can be irritating. Even something as basic as drying your skin off with a towel can cause the legs to become itchy.
- Having skin sensitivity. If you already have sensitive skin, anything that irritates it will make itching worse. You know you have sensitive skin if you get a rash plus itchy legs after shaving.
- Using a dull razor. This can lead you to push down too hard when you are shaving and can lead to itchy legs and possibly a rash. Dull razors should be thrown out because the act of pushing down hard in the act of shaving doesn't really work to give you a very close shave and it has lots of side effects.
- Having razor burn. You can have itchy legs after the shaving if you use a dull razor or shave with the shaver too close to the skin. You can also get razor burn from shaving the skin without water or shaving with cold water.
- Scratching your legs. If you get itchy legs after your shaving and scratch your legs, as a result, this will only temporarily soothe the skin, but will, in the long run, make the legs itchier later.
How to Treat Itchy Legs After Shaving
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to ease the sensation of itchiness just after shaving. Here are some good ones:
1. OTC Treatments
- Apply creams, lotions, or sprays that contain menthol, camphor, pramoxine, diphenhydramine, benzocaine, or phenol. These all have soothing, anti-itch properties and can soften the skin in order to reduce the sensation. Creams are a little better than ointments because they don't contain any type of alcohol in them.
- You can also use itch creams for itchy legs after shaving that have 1 percent hydrocortisone cream in them. The hydrocortisone will reduce the itching by reducing inflammation in the tissues. You can also use 1 percent hydrocortisone ointment.
- Bag balm can also be helpful. This is a product originally used by farmers on the teets of cows that are milked every day or are nursing. It is a natural product that eases irritated or dry skin, particularly of the legs.
2. Natural Choices
If you don't want to try anything that is unnatural, the following list may be what you want.

- Aloe vera gel or juice can be used to reduce the skin irritation that comes from having a rash from shaving. You can use a product containing aloe or squeeze the viscous juice from the actual aloe vera plant.
- Oatmeal is another good natural remedy for itchy legs after shaving. You can bathe your legs (and your entire body) in an oatmeal bath for the management of itching, rash, or hives. All you need to do is to put oatmeal in a knee high stocking and press it against irritated skin while taking a bath. It will moisturize your skin so that it feels very smooth and soft to the touch.
- Vitamin E oil is a good remedy for itching. You can use it as part of a lotion or purchase it in dropper form at a health food store. Vitamin E oil is a good moisturizer for the skin and helps with rashes and irritation of the skin after shaving.
- Lavender is a good way to soothe the skin and will help you find relief from stress. Try taking a lavender bath with natural lavender oils or some of the lavender flower in it so that you can relax and relieve the itching.
- Witch hazel can be used as a natural drying agent for the skin that will keep it toned after using products that are irritating, such as soaps and products used for shaving.
- Tea tree oil is a natural type of antiseptic. It can be used for itchy legs, acne, eczema, and dandruff, because it balances the skin and soothes irritation.
Can You Prevent Itchy Legs After Shaving?
If you can avoid possible itchiness before shaving, that would be best. Here are some tips that you can try to prevent it in the very beginning.
- Take a warm bath. Try taking a warm bath or shower before shaving your legs. This will allow your skin to become hydrated and will help it be better prepared to be shaved with a decreased risk of irritating your skin. If your hair is soft, you can expect to have less itching after shaving.
- Use a warm wash cloth. If you don't have time to take a full shower or don't have a shower bath available, you can use a warm, moist washcloth to the area of the legs for about five minutes. This will soften the skin and will allow the hairs to stand on end so you won't suffer from as much itching after you shave the area.
- Exfoliate the skin. This is an important step to do before and after shaving. It allows your skin to be smoother during the shave so that it will be less irritated and red. Exfoliating before shaving helps you align the leg hairs and gets rid of dead skin. Exfoliating after shaving keeps the pores from being clogged so that you don't get ingrown hairs that will result in razor bumps.
- Use some kind of shaving cream. Shaving cream will keep the skin hydrated. You should never use just water, and just using soap and water can be irritating to the skin.
- Try shaving in the direction of the hair growth. This sounds like the opposite of what you should do for a close shave, but if you shave along the direction the hair grows, you will have much less irritation and fewer red bumps.
- Try to shave in short, light strokes. You will have less itchy legs after shaving if you use light strokes that don't dig into your skin. If you shave in long strokes, you tend to dig into your skin more.
- Rinse the legs with warm and cold water. The warm water opens the pores and the cold water helps seal them so the skin is less irritated. Pat he skin dry and don't rub it.