All Metabolic Disorders Topics

How Is Diabetes Related with Heart Disease?

Most people affected by diabetes also have cardiovascular disease. Learn more about the relationship between diabetes and heart diseases here, as well as how to decrease the risks of developing diabetes, CVD.


Short Synacthen Test to Check Adrenal Gland Function

A synacthen test is done to check adrenal gland function. Then, what will happen during the test and how to understand the results? Here’s the complete guide of short synacthen test for you.


Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Hormone replacement therapy for men is a treatment method that will result in restoring the balance of the hormones. Read on and learn more about hormone replacement therapy for men.


Pancreas Function

Pancreas plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the digestive system. Find out 3 main pancreas functions here as well as how pancreas work.


Alcohol and Type 2 Diabetes

Can you drink alcohol if you have type 2 diabetes? Yes, but you'd better not. Find out how alcohol affects you, and how you can drink safely.


Metabolic Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes & Prevention

Metabolic syndrome consists of a set of risk factors that may lead to chronic disease. Fortunately, lifestyle modification and medications can help prevent it.


High Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels can lead to several problems. You need to stay informed on how to control these levels as well as how high cholesterol can affect you.


How to Lower Cholesterol

Some amount of cholesterol is necessary for normal bodily functions. However, too much of it can lead to various serious medical illnesses. Here describes various measures that you can take to answer the frequently asked question - how to lower cholesterol.


Foods that Lower Cholesterol

Eating a healthy diet rich in foods that lower cholesterol can help reduce your need for medications and help lower the risk of heart disease. Try including some of the foods listed in the article in your daily meals for good health.


Symptoms of Thyroid Problems

Thyroid disease types vary, and so do their symptoms. Learn more about the different symptoms of thyroid disease and the causes of each thyroid type as well as when you should call a doctor.