All Skin, Hair & Nails Topics

A Complete Guide to Hammer Toe

A hammer toe is a condition that causes your toe to bend downward and it usually affects the second or third toe. Find out how you can treat hammer toes and more in our complete guide to this condition.


Bumps on Lips: Possible Causes and Treatments

Bumps on lips can just be a minor condition or a serious one. Depending on the cause, treatment should be initiated, especially if the bumps are already very uncomfortable and painful or if they negatively affect your appearance.


Hand Age Spots: Causes and Removing Methods

Liver spots usually appear as we age, but some have liver spots even by the age of 40. Learn the causes and some methods to get rid of them on your hands.


Can Gluten Cause Acne? How to Deal with It?

Gluten intolerance can often lead to acne outbreak or make them even worse. How do you know your acne is the result of gluten?


Self-Care and Home Remedies for Chemical Burns

Chemical burns occur due to the skin coming in contact with a chemical and result in irritation and blistering of skin. Learn the self-care and home remedies.


Cyst in Your Armpit: Causes and Treatments

A cyst in your armpit can be painful, but fortunately, it is rarely a sign of anything serious. Try home remedies for relief and know when see a doctor.


Red Itchy Bump on the Legs: Causes and Treatments

Red itchy bump on your legs can be frustrating, but they are usually nothing to worry about. Read on to recognize your bump causes.


What Causes Black Spot Under Toenail?

Have you spotted a black dot on your toenail? This is usually a sign of injury but can also be caused by more serious condition like skin cancer. Find out more here.


What Causes Lump to Appear in Your Palm?

The causes of lump in your palm can be callus, Dupuytren's contracture or tumor. The severity varies. Get to know the signs and treatments of each condition.


How Long Will Annoying Hemorrhoids Last?

People often wonder how long hemorrhoids will last and the answer depends on various factors such as the type of hemorrhoids, pregnancy or blood clotting.