What Does a Miscarriage Look Like?

A miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion in medical terminology) is when a person loses their pregnancy before reaching 20 weeks. This is because during this early stage in the pregnancy, the fetus or embryo is not able to live outside the uterus on its own. Many women experience miscarriages without realizing that they are reasonably common. In fact, between one and two of every ten pregnancies result in miscarriage and most of these occur early on during the pregnancy. Eight out of ten of them happen during the first trimester.

What Does a Miscarriage Look Like?

It is possible for women to experience very different symptoms of miscarriage and sometimes the symptoms will occur together, forming a single event, while other times they will occur in a sequence over the course of several days. Despite the following symptoms, sometimes it is very difficult to tell if a miscarriage is occurring.

One of the most noticeable symptoms of a miscarriage is if vaginal bleeding is seen and that can vary from person to person, being either constant or irregular and either light or heavy. If you are pregnant, it is important to remember that bleeding does not necessarily indicate a miscarriage as normal pregnancies can include bleeding during the first trimester. When the bleeding occurs with pain, then a miscarriage is more likely to be occurring. The pain related to a miscarriage can begin anywhere from several hours to days after the bleeding. It can include a dull and persistent ache in the lower back, belly pain or pelvic cramps. Another symptom is grayish tissue (which is fetal tissue) or blood clots leaving the vagina.

What Are Different Types of Miscarriage?

What Are Causes and Risk Factors of Miscarriage?

Some women feel that a miscarriage is their fault but this is rarely the case. Most medications, mild falls, exercise and sex will not lead to a miscarriage. Sometimes it is hard for a health provider to determine what caused a miscarriage. Despite that, there are some things that increase a woman’s chance of having a miscarriage:

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