Breastfeeding and Lump in Armpit

When a woman finds a lump in her breast, it is definitely alarming, no matter the reasons for it. Many women will immediately think the lump might indicate breast cancer. But for women who are breastfeeding, it is important to remember that lumps in the breast are not serious, and are often caused by common reasons – not cancer! When a woman is breastfeeding, lump in armpit might occur because the breast tissue extends that far. Lumps that come and go aren’t causes for any concern at this point in a woman’s life.

What Causes Lump in Armpit While Breastfeeding?

Breast engorgement is the main reason why a woman who is breastfeeding might feel a lump under her armpit. That’s because the glands in the breast that create milk are filled too full, and the milk will overflow into the surrounding area, including the tissues under the armpit. Though it usually happens within the first five days after giving birth, it can happen anytime when a woman has not been able to fully empty her breasts. A severe breast engorgement should not be allowed to last more than 48 hours.

Breast engorgement can affect the entire breast and area around it. Besides lumps under the armpit, other symptoms include:

How to Manage Lump in Armpit While Breastfeeding

Mothers will be happy to know that while breastfeeding, lump in armpit can easily go away with a few home remedies.

Other Causes and Treatment Methods of Breast Lumps

When breastfeeding, lump in armpit is actually less common than breast lumps. Here are the causes and methods to deal with them.

1.      Blocked Milk Duct

A blocked duct means that the milk has become trapped in the duct, forming a hard and painful lump. Treatments of a blocked duct include breastfeeding more often and changing positions to keep the breasts draining equally. Heat compress and massage can also provide relief. Without relief, a blocked duct can turn into breast engorgement or mastitis.

2.       Breast Mastitis

This is an infection in the breasts. It is caused by breast engorgement, blocked milk ducts, and damaged tissue around the nipple. Common symptoms are hot, red, inflamed breasts, headache, nausea, fever, etc. Mastitis is a very serious infection that must have immediate attention. The coping methods include:

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