Obesity has reached epidemic proportions and this has led to emergence of various ways and techniques to lose excess weight and fat. Fat can accumulate in your body due to many factors including leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating large amount of high fat and sugary foods. Genetics, age and structure of your body may determine the pattern of accumulation of fat in your body. The most usual and common cause of developing a lower belly pooch is the accumulation of belly fat. Let us discuss some measures, which help in getting rid of this problem.
Regular Exercise to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat
When it comes to getting rid of lower belly rid, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstressed. You should include regular exercise as part of your daily routine so that you start burning more calories during the day.
1. Interval Training. While exercising, it is recommended to alternate short bursts of increased activity with small periods of slow activity. For example, intersperse brief episodes of sprinting in between your walking sessions. According to researches, by including interval training in your exercise routine you will be able to burn more calories.
2. Cardio Exercises. Increase your time of cardio or aerobic exercises as doing cardio raises your heart rate and burns calories quickly. Aerobic exercises are known to cause overall fat loss and in the process you will lose your lower belly fat too.
3. Resisting Training. It is suggested by a study conducted in the year 2006 and published in the International Journal and Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism that you get rid of abdominal fat more effectively by combining resistance training with cardiovascular or aerobic exercise in comparison to only doing cardiovascular exercises. Exercise machines, free weights or resistance bands can be used to do resistance training.
4. Lower Ab Exercises: There are certain exercises described below that focus especially on the lower belly region.
- Roll Up. With your legs straight, lie on your back. Start by extending your arms and taking them behind your head to the maximum point of extension (this is the starting position). Inhale, move your arms towards the ceiling and roll your upper torso off the floor; when you are halfway up, exhale, roll forward and reach your toes. Inhale, reverse the movement; when you are halfway, exhale and return to the position from where you started.
- Straight Leg Raise. Keeping your legs straight, lie on the floor with your toes pointing towards the wall and put your hands under your buttock (this is the starting position). Inhale and raise both the legs up to form a right angle. Exhale and with a slow movement lower your legs to just slightly above the floor (around 4 inches). Do 10 repetitions.
- Hip Lift. Start by raising both your legs up at right angle and extending both your arms to your side. Inhale and pull your belly button towards the spine. While exhaling, lift your hips a couple of inches off the ground and roll them towards your belly. Inhale and lower your hips slowly. Do 10 repetitions.
- Reverse Crunches. Start with lying on your back and knees curled at 90 degrees and arms on your sides. Contract your abs, lift your knees and curl them towards your chest while exhaling. While you inhale, lower your legs slowly and keep them on the ground.
- Scissors. Lie down on your back and lift your head and shoulders slightly off the floor. Put your hands behind for support. Keeping your both legs extended, lift your right leg to make it perpendicular to your upper body; simultaneously your left leg should be raised by just a couple of inches off the floor. Swap leg positions quickly. Do alternate movements, without taking a pause. Do 6-8 repetitions (movement of both legs is counted as one repetition).

Proper Diet to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat
- Breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped to lose weight. According to studies, if you eat your breakfast within an hour of your waking up, then your insulin levels remains steady and your LDL cholesterol remains low.
- Whole Grains. Switch to whole grains. According to researches eating whole grains is associated with more belly fat loss than eating refined grains.
- Lots of Water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to speed up your metabolism and to flush out the toxins from your body.
- Good Fats. Eat more good fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) instead of trans fats and saturated fats. Eat more of avocados, soybeans, nuts, seeds and chocolate.
- More Fiber. Increase your fiber intake as fiber helps in reducing the insulin levels, thereby boosting the removal of belly fat. Eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Vitamin C. Take adequate amounts of Vitamin C as it helps in counteracting the spikes of cortisol that occur when you are under extreme stress. Moreover, it is also essential for producing carnitine, which is a compound used by the body to burn fat for energy. Eat more of orange, lime, lemon, kale, bell peppers and kiwi fruits.
More Measures to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat
- Get Enough Sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep for at least 7-8 hours is essential for getting rid of lower belly fat. Sleeping less is associated with the production of hormone ghrelin that cause food cravings and you end up eating more. Cortisol levels are also altered due to losing sleep leading to insulin sensitivity and accumulation of belly fat.
- Find a Partner. Find a partner who is also trying to lose weight. This way there are less chances of your missing an exercise appointment and you will also stay motivated.
- Limit Alcohol Intake. Limit your alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol add up calories. Moreover, the liver is overworked to remove the toxins. Hence, think twice before grabbing a drink if you want to lose your lower belly fat.
- Stay Motivated. Stay motivated by taking your measurements every two weeks. Accurate tracking of your progress will help you not only to stay motivated but also to keep your focus on the final goal.