Diet Changes and Other Natural Ways to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that play an important role in the development of various diseases and it is not a disease itself. High blood pressure, abdominal fat, high cholesterol levels, and high blood sugar are part of the metabolic syndrome. In cases when a person has one or more of the above-mentioned risk factors, it means that he/she is in a great danger of developing serious medical conditions such as heart diseases and blood vessel diseases which lead to heart attack and stroke. Having a metabolic syndrome means that you also have five times higher risk of developing diabetes. A good thing to know that reversing metabolic syndrome is possible with a significant change of the lifestyle.

Diet Changes to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome develops due to nutrition and it can be easily prevented by changing the eating habits. A total change of your daily diet is often needed, normally not an easy thing to do. But if you take it slowly and make these changes one step at a time, you will soon notice to be in a better shape and of a better health. Here are some diet changes when reversing the metabolic syndrome:

Other Natural Ways in Reversing Metabolic Syndrome

Here are some other beneficial tips that can help you reverse metabolic syndrome process:

Lose Weight

Losing about 5 or 10 % of your body weight can be very beneficial as your body can regain the ability to recognize the insulin produces from the pancreas. You can lose those extra pounds through diet, physical exercise, or even some medications that your doctor can prescribe.


Physical activity is very important for overall health. Being physically active is also very beneficial when reversing metabolic syndrome. Most healthcare providers recommend at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week in order to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. Regular physical exercise reduces the risk for heart diseases even without weight loss.

Stop Smoking

Everybody knows that cigarette smoking is an unhealthy habit with many negative effects on the entire body. If you are trying to reverse the metabolic syndrome, and reduce your risk for various diseases then you should stop smoking as soon as possible.

Take Supplements

Certain supplements can be beneficial as well, such as:

Try Medical Ways

If your lifestyle changes are not enough to help you with reversing metabolic syndrome, then you should talk to your doctor and perhaps get medications that can help you reduce the risk for serious diseases. Some medications that are often prescribed in these cases are:

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