All Digestive System Topics

Pancreas Pain

Pancreas pain is caused by a condition that is damaging the pancreatic tissue which can lead to a dull pain. Addressing the issue as soon as possible is essential to limiting the damage to the pancreas.


How to Stop Burping

Burping can be embarrassing, so many people want to know how to stop burping. Taking the time to eat properly and eat the right diet can help you avoid a lot of the embarrassment associated with burping.


Chronic Bloating

Once you pinpoint the causes of chronic bloating, there are treatments to help your digestive system work well. While many of the causes do not have a complete cure, changes in diet and lifestyle can ease some of the discomfort of this condition.


How Often Should You Have a Bowel Movement?

How often should you have a bowel movement? What are the signs of abnormal bowel movement? Keep reading to know more about bowel movements and what you should consider as normal or abnormal bowel movement.


Gallbladder Pain: Symptoms and Treatments

Gallbladder pain is a common occurrence in the right upper abdomen. It may be caused by gallstones, cholecystitis and other rare diseases.



Omentum is responsible for storing fat as well as several other functions. Here is everything you need to know about the greater and lesser omentum including structure and functions as well as how to reduce their size.


Constant Burping

Burping is incredibly common while constant burping can indicate either the consumption of the wrong foods or some sort of digestive problem. It is important to understand the possible causes and know some home remedies to relieve symptoms.


What Causes Loose Stools?

Loose stools are an embarrassing and uncomfortable fact of life. Knowing what causes loose stools and the possible treatments can help decrease the frequency of this problem and often decrease the duration of loose stools.


Rotten Egg Farts

Everybody passes gas or fart as it is the most common function of human body. Here discusses the causes of rotten egg farts, as well as the composition of farts.


Alcohol and Diarrhea

Alcohol and diarrhea often go hand-in-hand. The physical changes brought on by alcohol consumption are largely to blame for the problem. Here’s what causes it and what you can expect if this problem hits you after a night of drinking.