Can You Drink Epsom Salts?

image001 Epsom salts are naturally occurring mineral compounds with the chemical formula of magnesium sulfate. They have a wide range of applications including as hair volumizers, treating fungal infections, helping to relieve aches and pains, exfoliating skin in the form of facial scrubs and Epsom salt baths that can detoxify and relax the body. What’s more, it is said that drinking Epsom salt can help relieve constipation or cleanse the colon.

Can You Drink Epsom Salt?

Epsom salts can easily be found at the local grocery store or drug store and they are also affordable. You can drink Epsom salt for it will relax your digestive muscles and provide laxative effect. Drinking Epsom salts can also help detoxify your liver but any time you do a detox using the salts, it is important to remember you will need two days. One day will involve the detoxification process and the other is necessary for resting. You should also stop taking any supplements or medications you are on two days before you do your detox.

How to Drink Epsom Salt

The term given to describe a solution made using Epsom salt is “hyperosmotic.” Epsom salts act like any other salt and this means that they attract water. Therefore when they pass through your bowel system, the salts will pull the water from other areas of your body, increasing the amount of lubrication found within your digestive system. The increased lubrication leads to increased excretion.

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Warnings of Drinking Epsom Salt

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