Squats Everyday: How Many to See a Difference?

Squatting is among the few exercises that give a person a complete workout. This is why a squat is considered a functional form of exercise that influences a person’s health very positively. As we age, squatting strength tends to decrease and the only way to maintain it is to have a proper squat technique. The following is a brief account of the techniques that can help you in knowing how to squat properly and at what frequency.

How Many Squats Should I Do?

Most people find it difficult to determine the right amount of the weight they should use for squat exercises. A good way to find out is to do the exercises with weights that exhaust your muscles completely at the end of each set and make it difficult for you to finish it.

How to Perform a Squat Routine

The following is a brief look at the five exercises that you can do for building up your squat strength, after which you will be presented with a 30-day plan that can help you in strengthening your butt muscles. It is crucial that you follow the plan to the letter or you would not be able to get the results that the plan promises. You can make minor adjustments to the plan depending on your ability to cope with the exercises plan.

1. Basic Squat

Stand with your feet apart and your hands at your sides in front of you. Now bend your knees while keeping your hands in the same position. Try to make your thighs parallel to the floor. Remain in this position for a while and then stand back up straightening your legs. When bending your knees keep the weight in your heels.

2. Narrow Squat

Stand upright with your feet joined together. Place both your hands in front of your body and join them together making a fist. Now start lowering yourself by bending your knees, keeping your upper body stable and the hands in the same position in front of you. Try to make your thighs as parallel to the floor as you can. After staying in this position for a while stand back up. When doing the exercise, be sure to put your weight on heels instead of your toes.

3. Back Kick Squat

Stand while keeping both your feet joined together and your hands in front forming a fist. Lower down your body by bending the knees and making your thighs parallel with the floor. Now lift yourself up and keep one leg straightened while the other one in a back kick position. After staying in that position for a few seconds bring back your leg and again bend down your knees. This time when you lift yourself back up again, hold your other leg in the back kick position.

4. Side Leg Lift Squat

Stand with your shoulders and feet apart and bend at your knees while keeping your thighs parallel to the ground. Now rise up, straightening your legs and lift one of your legs sideways. After remaining in this position for a little while do the basic squat again, and when you rise up this time lift your other leg to the side completing one repetition this exercise.

5. Sumo Squat


Stand with your feet wide apart. Keep your toes facing away from each other and your hands joined together in a fist in front of your chest. Now start lowering yourself by bending your knees. You target should be to get your thighs parallel to the floor. Squat in this position for a while and then lift yourself again to a standing position with your feet apart and your hands in front of your chest.

Tips and Warnings for Squats

Even though the squat variations and the 30-day plan are excellent for shaping your butt, they can both result in an injury if you are not careful. The following is a list of precautions and tips that can help you to perform the squats in a safe manner and avoid any chance of an injury.

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