Lime Water

image001Lime water is a favorite quencher for many of us, especially on hot summer days. There are various reasons why you should go for a glass of lime water over that soda. Besides being cheaper, it tastes good and is much healthier. Not many of us give much thought to the components of lime water or its benefits in your bodies. Here will be highlighting a few good reasons why you need to make this your preferred drink.

Nutritional Facts of Lime Water

Lime water is bustling with nutrients and one of its major advantages is that is has no source of cholesterol. Many drinks try to get such an appealing nutritional value but fail. Lime water is cholesterol free because it has no fat. The drink is also calorie free, but this is when it’s drunk without any sweeteners or sugar addition. Lime water comes fully packed with all the minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber you need for a healthy body. Below we list the nutrients that are found in lime water.

As you can see, one glass of lime water could be a great source of antioxidants and a combination of minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients.

Benefits of Lime Water

Due to the fact that lime water has all these nutrients, you can bet that it is also filled with various benefits. Following lists some of the ways in which lime water can help.

Help For



Scurvy is a disease that is brought about by vitamin C deficiency. The disease is characterized by repeated signs of mouth ulcers, cracked lips and bleeding gums. Since this is a disease brought by a deficiency, treating it is fairly easy since it constitutes including vitamin C into the diet. Lime water has high levels of vitamin C and can help you control and prevent scurvy.


Vitamin C is also used to treat ulcers. A good dose of this essential vitamin can help cure and prevent peptic and mouth ulcers.


The liver needs to be purified once in a while and lime water can help. It can also help regulate the production and flow of bile. It’s recommended that you drink some lime water when feeling nauseous so as to dilute the bile and reduce its potency.


Lime water and saliva have an extremely similar chemical composition. This males it great for digestion as it works just like your saliva to break down food. Lime water mimics hydrochloric acid which is found in the stomach and therefore helps prevent constipation and conditions such as diarrhea. In Ayurvedic medicine, a glass of lime water is recommended first thing in the morning to help stimulate bowel movement. This should be taken at least half an hour before the first meal, breakfast.


If you are looking for a great way to detoxify your body then you have an easy solution in form of lime water. Ayurvedic medicine used water to helps disperse toxins from the human digestive system. The foods we eat are filled with chemicals and these tend to build up within the digestive tract. This accumulation of toxins makes it harder to digest food. By detoxifying the digestive tract, you are able to boost digestion and reduce the toxic imbalance. That said; it helps to have a healthy lifestyle and avoid junk.

Reducing Phlegm

In case you are wondering phlegm is simply mucus. While mucus is not a bad thing, it can bring about discomfort when in excess. As we all know excess mucous can lead to stuffiness, a runny nose, coughing, snoring and even a headache. You can regulate the amount of mucous in your body by drinking a glass of lime water to breathe easier.

Weight Loss

Lime water has been associated with weight control and this is because it helps in improving your digestion and metabolism. A faster metabolism leads to more efficient burning of calories and reduces fat retention. If you are looking for a way to enhance your weight loss regime, you might want to include lime water into your diet. Studies also show that drinking lime water before breakfast can help in deterring bingeing and also increase food satisfaction leading to the consumption of smaller portions of food.

Heart Health

Lime water is rich in magnesium which helps promote a healthy heart. Potassium can also reduce your likelihood of developing heart complications as it promotes a healthy heart beat. It can also eliminate plaque buildup which coats the arteries when you have bad cholesterol.

Blood Pressure

If you suffer from high blood pressure, lime water can help. Potassium present in lime water can improve blood circulation and lower the risks associated with the condition.


Lime water can help fight cancer thanks to its antioxidant properties. Flavonoids also have been known to halt cancerous cells by preventing their division and continuation. Science also suggests that there are other properties in lime water that kill cancerous cells.

Immune System

Lime water has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which helps boost your immune system. A glass of lime water daily can help reduce your likelihood of developing infections. Vitamin C destroys free radicals which kill healthy cells.

Arthritis and Gout

Arthritis and gout can be fought with lime water. Vitamin C can eliminate free radicals in the body and reduce the pain brought about by these two conditions. Note that gout is brought about by toxic build up and the explosion of free radicals.

Skin Health

Vitamin C is a great nutrient for the skin. It helps keep your skin looking radiant and young. Besides drinking lime water, you can also apply it on the skin.

Eye Health

There are various properties in lime water that help in promoting eye health. First you have vitamin C which keeps your eyes in good health. Flavonoids also help prevent eye infections as antioxidants slow down the aging process.

Tip to Get More Health Benefits from Lime Water

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