Scalp Acne

image001 People who suffer from scalp acne experience irritating pimples on the scalp that cause pain and itching. These bumps can become inflamed and turn into a dandruff like scaling. This condition can also make the hair to fall out and become thin. In people with long or thick hair, scalp acne may not even be noticeable. When the hair is short or already balding, the crusty oozing bumps may be apparent to others and be embarrassing. It is important to determine the cause and find remedies to alleviate the condition.

Causes of Scalp Acne

Scalp acne is attributed to many things such as; folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis. Whatever the cause, this condition is both annoying to the sufferer and can even be detrimental to the overall health of the sufferer.

1. Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a type of yeast, malassezia coupled with too much oil in the glands of the skin, according to MedlinePlus. Factors that can lead to the development of this condition include; lack of showering, increased stress levels, being overweight and using skin products that contain alcohol.

2. Folliculitis

Folliculitis is one of the causes of scalp acne due to an infection of the hair follicles. Infection of the hair follicles can be caused by; fungus, bacteria or a viral infection. When hair follicles become clogged with overly productive sebaceous glands. If the blockage is not cleared, bacteria can become trapped inside the hair follicle causing folliculitis. Factors that contribute to folliculitis include; genetics, hormones, stress levels and unhealthy diet.

3. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones contribute to scalp acne by causing the oil producing glands to overproduce hair oil. Since hormones are important for a healthy body, any imbalances in their levels can cause dead skin build up on the scalp leading to pimples.

4. Other Causes

Scalp acne can be caused by a dirty scalp and hair. Using too much hairspray or other products to style the hair can clog scalp pores leading to acne. Not washing the hair often enough can also lead to clogged scalp pores. This type of scalp acne can be difficult to treat unless the cause is removed.

Remedies for Scalp Acne

1. Use the Correct Shampoo

Hair experts advise against lower quality shampoos. They also state that not shampooing often enough can lead to scalp acne. With this in mind, treating scalp acne needs to include; mild shampoos designed to heal scalp conditions and washing the hair on a regular basis. Hair experts can recommend the best brands for this condition. A healthy scalp is a clean scalp free of dirt and debris. Hair needs to be washed at least daily and twice daily if possible. A medicated anti-bacterial shampoo that is allergy-free can help relieve this condition and keep it under control.

2. Avoid Oily Products

Oily styling product can plug up the pores on the scalp. Try to avoid styling products that contain oil and choose lighter styling products that aren’t petroleum based. Find a good quality gel that gives a lighter hold. Wash any styling products from your hair daily before bed to get rid of the products, oil and dirt that contribute to scalp acne.

3. Brush Your Hair

When you brush your scalp and hair it breaks up and removes old skin cells. This helps to prevent pores from becoming clogged. Use caution with brushing if your acne is flaring because too much brushing can cause irritation and may even cause an infection. Brush gently and use care.

4. Use both Topical and Oral Antibiotics

For severe cases, a dermatologist may recommend antibiotics to help eliminate the P. acne bacteria. There are certain topical antibiotics that are erythromycin based that can help to reduce inflammation. Short courses of Clindamycin and sodium sulfacetamide can help relieve breakouts. If scalp acne is severe, you need to consult with a doctor or dermatologist to determine the best treatment.

5. Products Containing Salicylic Acid

There are many quality products on the market that contain, Salicylic acid. This effective ingredient fights acne and helps to diminish pimples. Using a shampoo that contains this ingredient can help to reduce scalp acne and keep it from breaking out again if used daily. Try Daily Shampoo, which is a popular brand that can reduce breakouts and relieve pimples on the scalp. Make sure whatever product you choose does not contain benzoyl peroxide. This ingredient can cause the hair to fall out and may lighten hair color.

6. Use a Coal Tar Product

Products like, Neutrogena T-Gel contain coal tar. This ingredient helps to remove any dead skin cells and control itching and flaking of the scalp area. This ingredient may also temporarily discolor the hair and scalp.

Watch This Video For More Tips On Scalp Acne:

When to See a Doctor

It is important to consult a physician and possibly even a dermatologist if home remedies do not work to control scalp acne. There are prescription drugs that can help relieve more severe cases of this condition. The New Zealand Dermatological Society states that both oral and topical antibiotics, oral antihistamines and steroid creams are all helpful in the treatment of folliculitis of the scalp.

Checking with a trained specialist can help to pinpoint the exact diagnosis of scalp problems. There are times when folliculitis of the scalp can turn into a dangerous health risk such as; infection with bacteria or cause you to lose your hair permanently. Medical doctors can determine the best treatments for you.

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