Why Do Women Often Have Aching Lower Back?

Pain in the lower back in females may be caused due to multiple things and it can vary on the basis of location of the pain. Unfortunately, lower back pain in females occurs very commonly. However, some type of back problem or back pain will be experienced by almost everyone in their lifetime. Read on to know more about the causes of lower back pain in females and how to fix them.

What Causes Lower Back Pain in Women?


Pregnancy is a common cause of pain in lower back. Additional weight of pregnancy may be difficult for your lower back to support as your back has not carried so much weight till now. Furthermore, during pregnancy, the hormones in your body are increased to soften the ligaments and loosen the joints in the pelvic floor to facilitate the delivery of the baby. However, this loosening and softening of the joints and ligaments may affect back support resulting in lower back pain.


Kids can cause stress on the lower back of their mothers as they have to bend down to pick up and lift their child from the floor with their back. When only muscles of lower back work, it may result in injury and pain in lower back.

Furthermore, as a mother you have to constantly bend over during the day. For instance, cleaning the dirty dishes or picking up the children’s toys all require bending over and cause overuse of the muscles of your lower back. Doing a workout at gym can also cause overuse of lower back muscles resulting in straining of muscles.

Standing or sitting for long duration may also pressurize the intervertebral discs of the lower spine resulting in inflammation and lower back pain in women.

Poor Posture

Keeping the shoulders in hunched position destroy the natural S-curve of the spine. When the curve is tweeked on the top of spine more pressure is put on lower back resulting in pain in lower back in males and females.  


Majority of the persons who have some sort of stress find it difficult to manage it. They get poor sleep, eat a diet deficient in nutrients and get very little or nil exercise. Stress tightens back muscles and results in pain.

Herniated or Degenerative Discs

In this condition, either the discs lose their cushioning or they herniate through a space between the vertebrae. This condition results in severe pain in lower back radiating down the leg.


It indicates pain that radiates along the track of sciatic nerve, which braches from lower back via hips and buttocks to the legs. In majority of the cases, sciatica occurs on one side and as a result of compression of the nerve by herniated disc. Due to this there is inflammation, discomfort and lower back pain.

Advanced age, being obese, having diabetes, prolonged sitting and doing a job in which you are required to carry heavy objects or twist your back or drive a vehicle for long duration increase your risk of developing sciatica. The characteristic symptom of sciatica is pain that begins in lower back and radiates through your buttock to the lower leg.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

It is characterized by infection of the female reproductive organs. It can be caused by different kinds of bacteria, including those causing STDs such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia. There are several risk factors for PID including douching, having multiple sexual partners, having sex at a younger age, having sex without using a condom, having a history of PID and using an intrauterine device as a contraceptive.

The symptoms of PID are pain in lower back, lower abdomen pain, fatigue, fever, nausea, and vomiting, painful urination, increased discharge from vagina that smells foul and painful sex.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

This condition occurs due to insufficient or excessive movement of SI joint. It is among the common reasons of lower back pain in females. They are 8-10 time more prone to develop this problem in comparison to men especially middle-aged and young ladies. The symptoms are pain in lower back, thigh or groin pain, balance issues, difficulty sleeping and burning in pelvic area. Pain is worse while climbing stairs or after sitting for a prolonged duration.

Kidney Infection

It is a type of UTI that begins in bladder or urethra and travels to the kidneys. Females are more prone to develop kidney infection as their urethra is shorter. The symptoms include pain in abdomen, burning sensation during urination, cloudy and foul smelling urine, fever, pain in lower back, frequent urination and vomiting and nausea. Visit your physician if you develop these symptoms.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

It is a condition affecting a female’s physical and emotional health before periods. The cause is thought to be alteration in the levels of progesterone and estrogen at this time. It is a cause of lower back pain in women that is not related to their back.

The other symptoms include pain in abdomen and bloating, anxiety, depression, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, sensitivity to light or sound, mood swings, sore and tender breasts, food cravings and emotional outbursts. Though these symptoms get better after menses, but if you experience severe symptoms visit your physician for their management.


It is a condition in which endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, is present outside it. The endometrial tissue present outside the uterus behaves like normal uterine tissue and thickens and bleeds during each menstrual cycle. The symptoms include painful menses, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, excessive bleeding, infertility, nausea, fatigue, and lower back pain, pain during sexual intercourse and pain while urinating and passing stools.


Miscarriage is characterized by fetal loss during pregnancy. The causes of miscarriage include chromosome or genetic issues, underlying medical illness, poor diet and medicines. Its symptoms are heavy spotting, cramps, lower back pain (mild to severe), severe pain in abdomen, vaginal bleeding and expulsion of tissue along with blood clots from vagina.

How to Manage Lower Back Pain in Women

The treatment depends on the cause and you should visit your physician for the symptoms of low back pain. The physician will evaluate you, assess your status of health and level of physical activity and then recommend tests to make a diagnosis.

In cases where pain in lower back is due to other medical illnesses then treating that illness may also help in easing back pain. Your physician may recommend different treatments depending on your diagnosis.

However, there are multiple things that you can try to relieve your back pain and improve your quality of life. Some of these treatment options are;

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