How to Increase White Blood Cells

White blood cells (often known as leukocytes) are an essential part of human immune system. When the count of these cells is less than 3500 WBC/ml of blood, the condition is known as leukopenia. This condition is associated with symptoms like headache, sore throat, sneezing, sore gums, diarrhea, cramps, fever etc. Apart from sufferers of leukopenia, individuals who have white blood cells count below 4000 WBC/ml of blood are required to take a few measures in order to elevate these cells in the body. The easiest and yet simplest method to resume your normal white blood cells count is to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Causes of Low White Blood Cells

Before jumping to the measures you might want to know what may possibly cause your white blood cell count to go down. Several reasons can contribute to leukopenia. Generally excessive consumption of neutrophils in the setting of an ongoing infection or their decreased production in the body may be the primary reason however it is not always the case. Listed below are some additional causes of leukopenia:

How to Increase White Blood Cells

Listed below are some steps by following which you can increase your white blood cells count.

1. Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle Changes


Lose weight

In case you are overweight you need to lose some weight as to bring your weight somewhere in the normal range. Being obese is invariably a significant hurdle towards obtaining good immunity. Scientific studies suggest that people who are overweight face more difficulty in fighting off an infection.

Drink more water

Drinking lots of water can not only help in boosting the immune system but also helps in flushing various toxins that may affect white cell consumption in the body.


Exercise and regular physical activity is believed to be an excellent booster of immune system. It is better to exercise moderately as too much exercise can affect the health and wellness negatively.


Relax not only for immunity but even for your overall health you need to avoid stress and keep yourself relaxed. It is no surprise that stress is referred to as a silent killer which in turn negatively affects the immune system.

Limit sugar

Minimize the intake of sugary foods and beverages that also affect the production of white blood cells.

Cut unhealthy fats

Eliminate all sorts of unhealthy fats from your diet. The polysaturated fats found in the vegetable oils like sunflower and safflower oil act as an obstacle to a healthy and stable immune system.

2. Eat Healthy Foods

First remember that you should eliminate unhealthy fat and sugar in your diet. There are many foods that you can consume for boosting the immune system and increasing the white blood cells in your body, which include:

image001Along with carrots other dark green leafy, orange, yellow and red veggies supply a lot of beta carotene that helps in protecting the immune system. Also its special protective effects are seen on the thymus gland. Beta carotene along with other carotenes enhances the production of white blood cells. Consuming the foods that contain beta carotene actually help in fighting off the infections.



image002The best of all foods that can elevate the count of white blood cells is salmon. Professor of pediatrics in University of California, Dr. Bill Sears describes on his website that the omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon not only help in increasing the number of white blood cells but also strengthen them in order to prepare these to fighting the disease causing bacteria. Therefore consuming foods such as salmon helps in fighting off infection and strengthening immune system. According to Cancer Supportive Care Programs eating uncooked or raw fish can result in fish-borne diseases so you have to make sure to cook salmon fully before eating it

image003You can fulfill your optimal daily vitamin requirements from a cup full of kale. It is an antioxidant which helps in white blood cells production and assists the body in fighting cancer cells. By consuming the vitamin A present in kale, the capability of antibodies to counter invading bodies increases.


image004According to Dr. Bill Sears, cooked turkey is a food that is enriched with zinc that helps in increasing the white blood cells count. He strongly recommended taking 15-20mg of zinc every day. Whereas, a 3 ounce dark meat turkey serving can supply only 3.8mg zinc. The proteins present in the turkey can boost your energy levels and strengthen the immune system. Before eating it, make sure you cook the turkey to the temperature of 140 degrees F or above. Cancer Supportive Care Programs suggests that food-borne infectious agents or pathogens have a higher propensity to cause disease in individuals with a low white cell count.

3. Take Supplements

Listed below are some supplements that play a major role in strengthening the immune system and increasing the white blood cell count.

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